Chapter 21

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     Kaden sat back quickly, staring down at her. His heart sank. She hadn't moved, and there was no sign of stirring. He sighed, sitting back on the bed. For a moment he had thought it just might have worked, but there was no change. He sat there for a moment, realizing now she hadn't had a hope of waking up any time soon.

       He got to his feet, feeling more awkward than ever, and dragged his feet to the door.

       He had barely touched the handle, however, when a sleepy voice behind him said, "Please tell me whatever just happened wasn't what I think just did."

       Kaden whipped around, startled to see Rowan rolling onto her side to face him. Her eyes were half-closed and her movement sluggish, but she was awake.

        "Rowan!" he shouted, and before she knew what was happening, he was crushing the life out of her in a hug, and she choked, squirming uncomfortably. His grip loosened, and he looked down at her, "You're okay! It worked!"

       "Did it?" Rowan found it hard to move, still feeling weighted with exhaustion. "What happened?"

        Kaden's face suddenly burned, and he scooted away from her, "Uh... well... I, uh..."

        She arched an eyebrow, "You kissed me, didn't you."

         His face burned hotter as he turned to face the wall, unsure how to reply to that. He flexed his hands in front of him, giving himself something else to look at than her, "I-I'm glad you're okay."

      Rowan felt a smile tug at her lips, "You're such an idiot. If you're afraid I'm going to be mad, maybe you need a brain replacement. Yours is obviously defective."

        "You're... not mad?"

        She snorted, "Oh, I'm furious alright. But you've taken from my shoulders a burden I've had all of my life. So I won't throw you out a window."

       "Oh..." Kaden glanced over at her again, cracking a small grin, "I guess I'm your knight in shining armor after all?"

       "Don't push it," she said, but a laugh rose in her throat as he feigned hurt.

       "Did you know it was going to be me?" Kaden asked after a moment, "That it would be me to wake you up."

       Rowan gave him a long look, then shook her head, "No. But I'm not disappointed."

       He blinked, "You're not?"

       She laughed, shaking her head, but her smile froze on her face as she remembered something. She leapt to her feet suddenly, looking around in distress, "Where is it? The black book?"

         "Adeline has it," Kaden replied, "Why?"

        "No, not Adeline!" Rowan stumbled towards the door, her body still slow to react to her whims. Kaden steadied her from behind, asking in a surprised voice "Hey, easy, what's the problem?"

        "That book is proof to all of our accusations at Adeline!" Rowan turned the handle to the door, and it swung open. She stumbled into the hallway, and Alden gasped, "Rowan!"

        Rowan blew hair from her eyes as she pointed an accusing finger at Adeline, "Where is it? The black book?"

        "She burned it," Alden assured her, reaching out his arms to hug his daughter, "I promise it won't hurt you again."

         "I'm not worried about the book!" Rowan shouted, pushing away her father, "I'm worried about her! The witch!" she pointed her shaking hand at Adeline again, "Dad, she's fooled you, fooled everyone!"

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