Chapter 15

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     "WHAT?!!!" Rowan and Aliyah both looked to Kaden in shock, "Kaden! Why wouldn't you tell us you were Kaizen's brother?"

       "Never came up," he muttered, lifting his shoulders in a tiny shrug.

       Rowan stared at him, "But how... why were you banished if you're his brother? What happened? How did you end up in Irisanna?"

       "Even though I was a year older, they chose Kaden instead to become king," Kaizen sank down into his chair, the ice leaving his voice, "I was young and stupid, so I resented that. When our parents were killed in an attack, I seized the opportunity of chaos and fear to dethrone Kaden. I had always been great at inspiring the public into doing what I wanted. So Kaden was banished without complaint. I felt bad afterwards, especially once I found being king wasn't all riches and power. It was hard, depressing, and lonely." He leaned his head into his hand, another sigh escaping his lips.

       He looked back up to Rowan as he continued, "Then I found that Miraj had stolen millions of credits from us without anything to make up for the missing money. With less money in circulation, prices went up and financial stability went down. I wasn't pleased by my rule anymore. It was too much on one man's shoulders. Then I found the legend of the treasure hidden in an old Tiberian tomb of one of our first kings. Unfortunately, that was on Irisanni land. So I threatened war in desperation for the sightings of gold my spy had found there, and your father was begging for a treaty."

        "So you came to the dance," Rowan said.

        He nodded. "I'm not particularly social, so I found a hiding place to camp out until the king requested a chat. Imagine my surprise when I was suddenly joined by a flustered girl who was quite possibly the most enchanting I'd ever seen. And she sought adventure and danger, yet she was kind and polite at the same time. And the more I spoke to you... the less lonely I felt. Awkward silences in my normal conversations had been replaced by laughter. I have never felt able to talk as freely with anyone before. It was never that easy, that... enjoyable." His face reddened again as he looked away, "I could've danced with you all night. And I wanted to."

         "And once you came back?" Aliyah prompted.

        Kaizen laughed softly, "I couldn't stop thinking about her. Her disappearance worried me."

        Kaden shook his head, looking astounded, "When you said you danced with him, Rowan, I thought you meant like a two second thing! But he's head over heels in lo-"

        Kaizen elbowed him sharply in the gut, "Shut up! My feelings are my business. Besides, we must return to Irisanna. She probably doesn't want any more delays."

        Rowan gave a small nod. Kaizen cleared his throat, turning to Kaden, "I won't have you dragged unceremoniously from town this time. Thank you for protecting her on the way here."

        "Thanks, but she doesn't need my protection," Kaden grinned at Rowan, "She kicks butt pretty well by herself."

        "I'm not surprised. Well, I'll go gather my men. When I return, I'll bring food and drink. How does that sound?"

        "Yes, please!" Aliyah gasped, her eyes lighting up, "We haven't had decent food or drink in days!"

       Once the king was gone, Rowan leaned heavily into the wall. She admired the beauty of the simple room. It was simple but neat, the only things inside of it a cluttered desk, the black seat, and a frame on the wall. There was a huge window behind the desk, though she suspected the glass was too thick for any arrow to penetrate as a security measure.

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