Chapter 14

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    Rowan's eyes snapped open. She was resting on the ground, her head on her satchel like a pillow. Her shoulder ached, but it was more sore than actual pain. She sat up slowly, examining her knuckles. They were stiff, but at least there wasn't more bleeding. She brushed loose strands of tangled hair back from her eyes.

      Kaden was lying on his back, but his eyes were open as he watched the sky as it slowly filled with golden light, the blue growing lighter and lighter before his eyes. The blue was reflected in the darkness of his eyes, making them look brighter and clear, as if he hadn't a care in the world.

     "You hungry?" His voice startled her, but his hand pushed the bag towards her.

      "Yes," she said, pulling out an apple and sinking her teeth deeply into it. She could feel the sweetness and softness of the piece in her mouth, and swallowed hard. It was delicious and refreshing, filling her with the strength she'd been missing for a few days now.

      "Good, huh?" Kaden rolled onto his stomach to face her, resting his chin on his arms as they folded in front of him.

      Rowan's gaze slid past him to Aliyah, who was curled up in a black ball, her tail resting on her black nose as she twitched in her sleep. The wolf looked perfectly content to sleep longer, so Rowan raised a finger to her lips to indicate they should be quiet.

      "I think anything would taste amazing at this point," Rowan commented, taking another bite that sent flavor dancing across her taste buds, "But yes... they're delicious."

       Kaden nodded in agreement. "So this has been quite the adventure, huh?"

      "I love it," she said without a moment to think it over, "It's been better than anything I've ever done. With the curse of dark magic in me, my father wanted me to keep me away from anything that might infect me. I've never ridden a horse through a field, never walked through a market place, never slept under the stars, never met a werewolf, never gone swimming, and never done anything like this." She sighed, lowering the apple from her mouth, "I'm just glad I've done this before..."

      "Before you turn eighteen," Kaden finished when she seemed unable to. His eyebrows drew together with sympathy, and he gave her a small smile, "Hey. You'll have plenty of time for someone to wake you up. Surely, someone can do it."

      "No," she shook her head slowly, "It has to be true love. And I've never loved anyone, not outside of family," her voice had a thicker layer to it, pain lacing itself through her normally light tone. She bowed her head, rubbing the shiny skin of the half eaten apple with her white hands, "And no one loves me in that way either. It's impossible."

      Kaden wasn't sure how to respond, and she knew this. So she rubbed her forehead wearily, "But it's the past now. There's nothing I can do. So the only thing I can do... is accept it."

      "Morning guys," Aliyah yawned as she stood up on her paws, wicked claws sliding in and out to stretch. She twisted into an odd position, then transformed into her human form. She twirled her hair around her finger, letting the strands entangle her hand, "So are you going to tell her, or should I?"

       "Tell me what?" Rowan held her breath, trying not to look panicked. What could it be? Had they seen the book?

      Kaden gestured a hand to the background of their campground, "We're here. We're at the edge of the Tiberian border. Shouldn't be more than an hour or two on horseback until we reach the castle."

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