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chapter nineteen

Once Baekhyun exited Chanyeol's house he fast walked the hell out of the area Chanyeol lives in. Baekhyun didn't know what to feel anymore, the man he loves say's that Baekhyun is his but then takes it back? Like what the hell man?

Baekhyun's mind was rushing with thoughts of does he like me?, or is he playing with me? The poor boy's mind was in a confused hole that he couldn't get out of until someone told him straight up. 

And that someone had to be Chanyeol.

Baekhyun was now rushing into his house up the stairs, that were a few metres away from the entrance of his house, trying not to be seen by any of his family members. Baekhyun successfully got to his the entrance of his room and immediately opened and shut the door not caring about the little 'hello' from his mother who was exiting the bathroom.

Once the bang of the door was heard indicating that it had been closed, Baekhyun slid down to the floor leaning on the door. He was stressed. So stressed. He needed sleep to clear his mind. Baekhyun got up rubbing his temples finding his way to his soft comfy white bed that had a big fluffy blanket covering the mattress.

Baekhyun fell onto the mattress face first. His face landed on the soft pillow. The boy just really wanted to sleep. Baekhyun laid on the bed for a few minutes just staring of into space. Soon choosing to close his eyes and drift off into dream land.


It had come to the next day. It was lunch break at the moment and Chanyeol had been thinking on how to make it up to Baekhyun since he opened his eyes in the early morning. 

Chanyeol had been thinking of;

If he should take Baekhyun on a little date.

If he should invite him over for a little movie time.

If he should just confess his feelings and he could do everything with the small boy.

It was so frustrating for Chanyeol to think of a way to make it up Baekhyun without giving away he likes him, well more like loves him.

"Argh", Chanyeol said out loud in frustration as he ruffles his own hair, sitting alone in the cafeteria waiting for his friends to join him.

"You good there?" Sehun said chuckling as he took a seat next to Chanyeol.

"Huh? Oh yeah." Chanyeol said not realising Sehun had got here.

"What's happening in your fat ass mind Chan?" Sehun urged Chanyeol to spill what was happening.

"So I may or may not have said to Baekhyun that he's mine and then I may or may not have took it back because I was scared he would find out I liked him." Chanyeol said fiddling with his fingers afterwards.

"IDIOT!" Sehun yelled, "How the hell could you do that. You know how your mind is fucked about it Baekhyun's would be worse cause he would of thought you liked him but then you didn't. You really love fucking with people don't you?" Sehun let out in a rush.

"He is right, Baekhyun has been confused about it all this morning." Luhan says taking his seat next to Sehun giving the younger a kiss on the cheek. 

"W-Well I'm trying to make it up to him. B-but I don't know how..." Chanyeol stuttered out due to being slightly frightened from being yelled at by the younger boy.

"Confess to him." Luhan and Sehun say in sync. 

"Agreed." Kyungsoo says taking his seat next to Luhan.

but i love you ♢ chanbaekWhere stories live. Discover now