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Btw above is Ella

*Jessies POV*

Pure pain is all I feel. I'm trying so hard but I just can't. My bones feel like they're all breaking. Maddie is howling and whining in pain. I try so hard but it's just not coming. I scream in pain, and decide to stop trying and then I
feel back to normal.

"I need to try again" I tell Jack, Ella, and Malaki. We decided to go into the forest and try to help me shift.

"You're hurting yourself, and me! I can feel your pain and I'm in agony watching you!" Malaki tells me. Because he hasn't rejected me yet, he can feel my pain.

"Why not you hurry up and reject me then" I answer coldly.

I can see the pain flash in his eyes and Maddie whines at my words.

Then Ella says "you know he is going to reject you because we wants another girl, he won't love you. And if he did mark you he would cheat on you, he doesn't want the relationship he just wants the fun"

Ella's words shock me. My sweet little sister saying something so cruel? This makes Maddie and me very mad.

"Ella!" Jack yells, and then Ella's and Jacks and Malakis eyes go a little paler, they are mind linking. This makes me even angrier, probably talking about me.

"And anyways, Jessie, you don't know hardly anything about being in a pack, much less leading one as a Luna. You're too pathetic" Jack says to me.

I feel like I'm vibrating with rage.

"And when Ella kissed me, it was a very good kiss. When Max tried to kiss you, you pushed away. Ella is so much better then you" Malaki says with. Venom in his voice. He looks down at me like I'm a rat.

I hear Maddie howl and all of a sudden I am jumping at Malaki, and I feel my bones start to crack. My hands turn to paws and my nose turns into a snout. I shifted. I shifted!!! Malaki dodges out of my path and I crash into the ground. Maddie is in control now. She is free.

*Maddies POV*

I'm free! After 12 years I am in control and I feel the dirt under my paws and the breeze in my fur.

I let out a little howl of excitement.

Then I remember what Mate, Jack, and Ella said to me and Jessie. I faced them all and let out a deep growl

"Hey, Maddie, it's okay. We said those thugs to provoke you, to help you come out" Mate said to me "We thought if you were hurt and angered then it was be easier for you to shift"

"Yes, we're very sorry. I felt so bad the entire time" Ella says. I could smell honesty in both of their voices

"Very sorry Maddie" Jack says to me. He is being honest too, I think he doesn't know how to apologize.

I let out a playful howl and start hopping around.

Then Jack and Ella shift into their wolves.

I anxiously await to meet Max. I look up at Malaki and his eyes are a little pale. He is talking with Max. I really hope he shifts. Maybe Max won't want to reject us, and maybe he can convince Malaki to mark us, not reject.

Then Malaki takes his clothes off and shifts. Max is breathtaking. He is a grey wolf, and he is bigger than most wolves. Then he looks at me and we make eye contact. We walk towards each other and rub together, breathing in our scents. He smells like lemon and spices.

Then I let out a playful howl and start running away. Max and Lilly and Kolby (Jacks wolf) all start running after me. We are all yipping and howling. It is so much fun to run. I don't think I'll ever stop running. I've been locked up for 12 years unable to run, or even just be me. I've been able to talk and connect with Jessie and see what she is doing but it's not the same.

Then Jessie opens the link

Stop Maddie. There is danger ahead, go back.

No way Jessie, I haven't been out in 12 years. I'm enjoying my run.

Then I cut the link again. I hear Kolby, Max, and Lilly howling in warning behind me. They also want me to stop. I can't though. I won't stop, I'll keep running until I collapse from exhaustion and have to shift back.

Just then I run into somebody.

I fall back and look up at the figure. I see know that it is actually 2 people, not one. Then their scent hits me. I get a rage course through me.

It's my parents.

I get down low and prepare to attack them. As I spring up and fly through the air I get knocked to the side and land on the ground. I see that Max has stopped me from attacking them. I growl at him and prepare to jump again.

"Maddie. Is that how you treat your parents? Darling girl! We missed you so much! What's gotten into you? Oh Maddie! We missed you and Jessie" fake tears poured down my "Mothers" face.

I growl. I know it's all lies. Max jumps on me and holds me down. I try to throw him off. Surprisingly he falls off for a second. By the time he is up, so am I, and I'm flying through the air at my "Mother"

This time Jack jumps at me to stop me and my world goes dark.


Sorry! Short chapter! It's been a couple days since I've posted so I wanted to just hurry up and post a chapter and honestly, I could add something small to it to make it a little longer without just adding another chapter. I will try to update as much as I can! I promise!

I'm very busy with school and stuff so I am trying my hardest.

So far I have 1 reader, but thank you very much to that one reader! It actually made me very happy that there was somebody ACTUALLY reading my story!

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