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Above is Connor
*Connors (the beta) POV*

It was a typical Sunday morning. I followed my routine by saying good morning to my beautiful wife and mate. Sally. She was the head cook for the pack. She would always make Sunday brunch for the entire pack. As she makes this I steal a kiss and then prepare for my run. I always run on Sunday mornings.

I take my clothes off and quickly shift. I carry my clothes in my mouth and start to run. I run and run. It feels so good. My wolf gets thirsty though so I head to the nearby lake to get a drink. It's absolutely stunning there. Before I get there I shift, and put my clothes back on. I might not swim.

"Malaki! Jack! Ella! Somebody! Anybody! Help me!!!!" I hear a voice call for members of my pack. Wait, is that... Jessie? Then I hear a a gun shoot and an ear piercing scream. Oh no. Jessie.

I run to the lake and see a man with a hogs holding a naked Jessie, above the waterfall. I see her stomach and shoulder is both tuning purple and a familiar smell enters my nose.

Wolfs bane.

Malaki! Jack! Ella! Jessie is in danger at the waterfall. Get here, fast! I quickly link to them.

Jessie is crying lightly, but then looses conscieneness.

"Hey! Give the girl back to me!" I yell out. The hooded figure looks at me and grins.

"Now why would I do that! I've got her now. She is mine. My master will be very happy to have her finally"

"Let. Her. Go" I growl out.

"As you wish" he says. Then the mans drops Jessie over the all's into the lake!

I quickly run after her and dive into the water. It's so deep. Even with being a werewolf, if she hits the bottom I could never reach her. It's wayyyy too deep. I follow her as she sinks, and I swim as fast as I can. Darn it. I need to go up for air.

Just a little closer.

My lungs are screaming.

I reach down but she is too far.

I give one more push in hopes to grab her.

I grab her hand.

I immediately start to swim up to the surface. I lay her on the ground, but then I feel two places in my back sting. I take off my shirt and see that I've now been shot with wolfs bane. Purple is spreading across my skin. I look at Jessie an see the wolfs bane spreading fast for her. She will be very sick, but she won't die. 2 bullets of wolfs bane won't kill a wolf. 3 will though. The hooded figure laughs and comes in front of me.

"Stalled me a little, yes. Doomed yourself, yes. Stopped me, no" then he laughs. Then he aims the wolfs bane gun at me.

"All Connor needed to do was stall until us three could get here"

Malaki! I recognize his voice and my world goes dark.

*Malakis POV*

I am currently in a very important meeting with a few other Alphas when I got Connors link. I met up with Jack and Ella and we are currently running towards the waterfall lake. We are almost there.

"Stalled me a little, yes. Doomed yourself, yes. Stopped me, no"

I hear somebody say. I cans see the lake now. I smell Wolfs Band. Lots of it. I can smell at least 4 bullets worth active. Hopefully two in each of them. I can't loose either of them. I hate to admit it but I care very much for them both.

"All Connor needed to do was stall until us three could get here" I say. Connors eyes light up but then he goes unconscious.

I see that he has two purple spots forming on his back. Jessie is laying on her back, naked. She has a purple spot on her stomach and a purple spot on her shoulder, but it's spreading so she is mostly purple. It bothers me so much that people are staring at my naked mate.

I let out a growl.

The hooded figure looks at me and pints the wolf bane gun at me. He shoots it but I duck. It went behind me and shot Ella. Crap!

"Jack! Take care of Connor, Ella, and Jessie. I'll take care of this crank" I say. I lounge at the man, but he dodges out of the way. We are fighting with our fists now. I have to admit that he is good, but not as good as me. We have made our way to the top of the falls. We are fighting and I knock him in the head. He is loosing consciousness. I push him off. As he falls he aims his Wolf Bane gun at Jessie and shoots it. He misses. He falls into the water. I quickly run to meet my other pack members.

"I'm so sorry Ella. I didn't realize you were directly behind me when I ducked" I say to her.

"No big deeeeaaaal" she slurs. Effect of the wolf bane.

I pick up Jessie, Jack picks Connor up and Ella drags between us.

"I'm finishing what I started mutt" I hear a voice. I turn around and see the hooded figure standing there. He holds out his gun and shoots Jessie for the third time with wolf bane. Then he shoots himself a bunch of times. He will die but so will Jessie.

I scream out. Jessie instantly turns white and all of her vains go purple.

She is dying faster than most.


I'm sorry this chapter is so short. And trust me, I know that I said Jessie made it to the bottom of the river and then Connor said that even with we're strength that he could not. No wolf can't. Okay? I know. It apart of the story.

What will happen to Jessie?

Who was the hooded figure and who was his master?

Find out soon!

Shorter chapter. Sorry.

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