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Above is Max

*Jessies POV*

I'm currently locked in a nice room with a big comfy bed. At least it's not a cell. I remember what Maddie tried to do to our 'parents' and Jack probably knocked us out when he jumped at us. He still loves them unconditionally, even for what they did to me.

I go and try to open the door [again] and it's still the same. Locked. I go and crawl back into the cozy bed.

I then hear a knock on the door. I can smell, it's Malaki.

"Come in" I call.

I hear the him figit with the key and then the door opens. Malaki walks in, looking distressed. Then his eyes locked with mine and his expression changed to relieved and he came and hugged me really tight.

"You're okay! You're okay! I was so worried! Don't EVER do that again! Promise me!" He looks like he is about to cry "Jessie I said promise me you won't do that again!!!"

"Do what? Attack my parents? No promises to that" I don't know what he wants me to promise.

"Jessie not that! You were inconscience for 3 weeks! I was so scared! You hit your head harder then we all thought. How do you feel?"

"I feel fine, I guess. You were worried?" I'm absolutely shocked that he even cares.

"Of coarse I was! Jessie I was loosing my mind! I was paranoid constantly, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat!"

It brings me to tears. Malaki cared for me. A lot. I've never felt loved in my entire life, and here is this person who cares for me so much that he became weak and now holds me in his arms?! It feels good. I start to cry really hard, and bury my face in his chest.

"Jessie! What's wrong? Is it your head?"

"Nothing is wrong Malaki. In fact everything is great. I've never been comforted or cared for, and here you are telling me about how you practically weakened you yourself for my sake, and I'm sorry you became that way but it makes me feel good. See? Nothing is wrong" I tell him.

Then he stiffens up and drops me.

"Malaki?" I'm scared. What is he going to say?

"This is why I cannot have a mate. I let my pack down for 3 weeks while you were out. This just proves why I can NOT have a mate"

Then he walks out of the room. I crawl back into the bed and cry for what seems like hours.

*Malakis POV*
Goodness I'm stupid! She thinks I love her! Well I do, but she can't find out! I have to reject her. I have to. I will give her time to accept that fact and hen I'll do it. It's easiest on her that way.

I walk down to the cells and I open one of them.

I have locked Jack up in one of the cells for hurting Jessie.

I walk in and see Jack sleeping in the cold hard floor.

"Jack! Get up you lazy lug!" I yell at him. He immediately jumps up.

"Alpha Malaki" he says.

"I came to tell you that there will be a new head guard. You will be replaced. You are not good enough" I spit at him.

"Are you freaking kidding me?! I'm the best there ever was! You wouldn't go to these extremes if it was any other member. And soon she will be just that when you reject the already rejected wolf! She will be normal! And so you need to follow through and treat others like she is just any other member because you can NOT be this way. It's draining on your pack. And no, it's not because of Jessie. It's your own fault for being so indecisive! It's your fault for being blind to see how amazing she is! It's your fault for rejecting somebody who would make this pack stronger! Everything is your fault and you have lost all of my respect, Malaki"

"I am your Alpha! And I demand to be treated that way!" I bark at him.

"No. You're not my alpha. I'd rather die"

He then spits at me. One of the most disrespectful things a wolf can do to his Alpha.

"So be it" I say "tonight at sunset you will be executed"

Little bastard.

"Guards!" I yell and a few guards run in "get him ready to be executed. Contact his parents and sisters and then make a public announcement that tonight at sunset my ex head guard will be executed"

"Yes sir" they say in unison and then run off.

*Ellas POV*

I break down on my knees in tears. Executed. Jack will be executed. My older brother. My rock.

The tears just keep flowing. I only get to be with him a few more hours.

I quickly wipe the tears away and run to Malakis office. I bang on the door and before he answers I run in.

"How dare you! You jerk! That's my brother! Think of Jessie. He would be the ONLY man in the world who be there for her because YOU won't, and you're going to kill him!" I scream out at him.

"Ella, I will not be spoken to like that. Jack spat on me. He told me he would rather die than call me 'Alpha' and I said so be it. Execute him at sunset"

I can feel Lilly taking over. I don't know what she will do but I'm willing to find out. I stop fighting her and let her have control.

I don't care Lilly. Do what you want. I tell Lilly.

Oh I plan on it. Nobody harms my family she tells me

*Malakis POV*

I see Ella's eyes turn black and I know that Lilly has taken over.

She growls deeply.

I growl in return, and since I'm the Alpha my growl is stronger.

She still won't back down though.

"You better hurry up and and say goodbye to your brother because you don't have much time. I'm not backing down on this so accept it and respect me or you will end up like him" I growl out. My voice is very deep and more of a growl than words.

Then she punches me in the face, hard, and runs out of my office. Probably to see her brother. She will be punished later for the disrespect but I do have some heart so I let her go say goodbye.


Thanks for reading!

How will Jessie react to Jacks execution?

Will Ella go with him?

When will Malaki reject Jessie?

Find out soon!

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