Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

"I don't see any bodies, so we're doing good so far."

I glared at Rowan, who scanned the destroyed dining room. The chandelier had crashed to the floor, bits and pieces of glass scattered everywhere, joining the glass from the windows. The long dining table was snapped into pieces, the marble flooring crunched in certain areas. And while there certainly weren't any bodies anywhere, it still wasn't comforting.

Tristan didn't seem entirely amused by Rowan's comment either, walking over to the double doors that opened up into the next room, to reveal it was also thoroughly destroyed, but empty of life. Unless you counted the busted fish tank that had exploded all over the floor, little colorful fish laying limp on the marble.

"Can you sense anyone nearby?" Tristan asked in a low voice. Rowan came over to stand beside him, this time keeping his own voice down. They were being cautious; the explosions and crashing from before had gone silent. There was no noise now.

"No," Rowan said after a moment, "Not even Joxeia, Viv, and Geara."

"Maybe they vacated the realm," Tristan muttered. Rowan frowned.

"That's a possibility."

"Where else would they go?"

"Somewhere Viviana can use her barrier spell. Her barrier spell is different from others in that it's not only stronger, but she can support it entirely by herself and still have enough magic left over to defend any other threats."

"What about the realm she was originally holed up?"

"I don't think so. The shifter would have access to it already."

"So where do we go from here?"

"I'm not sure," Rowan admitted grimly, then reached into his pocket for his phone and started to dial, "Let me see if I can contact anyone." Tristan nodded, then started to move around the room, checking the perimeter. I followed him nervously, glancing over my shoulder at Rowan. Apparently his first call failed because he hung up and seemed to be trying another number. I looked back at Tristan, who was scanning the walls and floors. He approached a corner of the windows, however, and knelt down, reaching out to run his finger across a black oily substance on a shard of glass.

He rubbed his fingers together, drawing it to his nose to take a whiff. Judging from the disgusted look on his face, it was leftovers from the shifter. The sweet pungent odor that put even roadkill to shame. He wiped his fingers on the torn curtain and rose to his feet as Rowan came back over.

"No luck," he stated, "I called Jo, Viviana, and Hades, but no answer."

"What about the others?"

"Theo's phone is off. Don't know the other numbers."

"Shit," Tristan muttered, "So we're trapped."

"Not exactly," Rowan murmured, "We have to think. Where would they take the baby to keep him safe? What would be the safest place for a baby? Somewhere the shifter would have trouble reaching him." Tristan frowned for a full moment before his eyes flipped up to meet Rowan's.

"Atlantis," he stated, making Rowan frown, "Geara said that she was strongest when she was with all of her siblings. Xiphrus was in Atlantis last I checked in order to smooth something over between Heaven and Atlantis. Not to mention, Hannibal's there."

"Good idea," Rowan stated, then looked around the room, "Hear that, Ambrosius? We're going to Atlantis. Stay close." I nodded, moving toward them as they conjured their magic and teleported. I closed my eyes and latched onto their magic, letting it suck me in with them. One second we were standing in the ruins of whatever place Viviana had taken us to and in the next, we were in Atlantis, standing outside the main hall.

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