Flowery : Kendall Jenner

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This isn't mine but I hope you like it.
Credits go to respectful owner xx

There's only one thing on Kendall's mind and that's getting home. Not to get home and relax after a long day of work, but something more sinister. Her phone rings and breaks her train of thought. The name on the caller i.d. was just the person she wanted to speak to. "Hey babe. Where are you?" it was y/n, Kendall's fiancee. "I'm just leaving work, I will be home in an hour." "Okay, but hurry up I wanna cook us dinner." "I'll be home soon." she assures her. "Okay, see you then." Before y/n could hang up she hears Kendall say, "y/n, you should be naked and laying face down on the bed by the time I get home." there is a click signalling the end of the call.

Y/n panicked for a bit and racked her mind of what would've brought this on. She and Kendall have been experiencing fetishes for a while, and it was y/n's idea to try bdsm. She didn't think Kendall would like it, but she was a naturally dominant person. They made a promise to only do it sometime in a while because their sessions got intense. Most of the times they've done, it was for Kendall to "teach y/n a lesson." she was okay with it, after all this was all her idea, but the effects could take a toll on her body. Of course Kendall did proper aftercare and they also had a safe-word. Y/n felt excitement, nervous, and confused all at once. She decides to skip cooking dinner, and do as she was told. Maybe Kendall would go easy on her after a long day of work.

Kendall enters her quiet house. She looks in the living room for her fiancée, but she was nowhere to be found. The kitchen was her next to place and just as she thought, y/n was not in there. She enters their room and finds just what she was looking for. Y/n was naked and laying face down just like she was told to do. Kendall doesn't waste time lifting her dress over her head, only to be left in her bra and garters. She enters their closet and searches for their special little box. She places it on the table and opens it up to find everything she will need for tonight.

Y/n can hear Kendall's movements, but it's killing her that she cannot actually see what's going on. She feels both excitement and terrified. The bed sinks indicating that Kendall was now on the bed. She feels her separate her butt cheeks and a drop of a cool liquid on her anus. She jumps at the sensation, but eventually relaxes. Kendall inserts the buttplug into y/n's ass. She moans at the feeling of the toy inside of her. Kendall snakes her hand down to y/n's pussy feeling how wet she is. "You all ready for tonight?" Kendall ask. Y/n doesn't answer making Kendall upset. She slaps the girls ass and leaves a red imprint. y/n yells out as the burning sensation sends a ripple through her body. "I said are you ready for tonight?" Kendall says forcefully. Y/n mutters out a quiet 'yes' and Kendall smiles. "Get on your back." Kendall demands. Y/n moves quickly and looks at Kendall. She watches her pull out a blindfold and soon all she sees is darkness. She feels her legs being roughly spread exposing her dripping cunt to her fiancée. "How many times did I tell you not to flirt with Hailey online?" y/n's stomach drops at Kendall's question. She forgot all about that winky-face emoji she added to the end of an Instagram comment. It was innocent, but now she regrets it. "Three times..you've told me three times." y/n answers. Kendall delivers a harsh slap to her wet cunt. Y/n barely stifles a scream from the stinging sensation and pain. She feels another slap and another. "Sorry won't fix it this time baby." Kendall tells her. Y/n hears items from their special box bump together. Her curious question of what Kendall could be grabbing is answered when she feels cold clamps pinch her nipples. Her favourite part of their sessions was the nipple stimulation.

"Rub your cunt." y/n complies almost immediately. She rubs her clit vigorously, wanting to release the tension she has. She soon feels Kendall's fingers digging into her pussy while she jerks her clit. Y/n is a sloppy mess now. Her pussy was sensitive and she was prone to squirting. Kendall's actions were short-lived as she pulled out of her after 30 seconds of rough fucking. Kendall gave the girl's tit a hard slap causing her to yelp. "You don't get to cum that easily." Kendall grabs some of their bondage rope. She spends a minute tieing y/n up in a frogtie position and binding her hands behind her back. Y/n was vulnerable in this position, her legs are open and her hands were no use. Kendall grabs their riding crop. "Do you remember the safe word?" Kendall asks her before continuing. Y/n nodded her head, and their session truly began.

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