Chapter 13

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         I was in my room, getting ready for Gebor's tonight. I plugged in my straightener and started searching for a good outfit. Maybe orange for Halloween? Or would black be better?
         I decided to go with a dark gray and orange sweater with some ripped jeans. I slipped those on and started on my hair.
         I picked up my straightener and got to work. It was already semi-straight from doing it this morning, but it started to get wavy. After finishing that, I pulled on some fuzzy socks and my favorite pair of boots.
         I unplugged my phone from its charger and checked the time. Kayden should be here in 10 minutes. I sent him a quick text saying I was ready and excited, and then slid my phone into my pocket. I left my bedroom and pulled on my old winter coat at the door, sitting down on the ripped up couch.
          I was nervous, very nervous. I really hope it's not too bad. Reality was beginning to set in. Flashbacks started playing through my head, but then I felt a buzz in my back pocket. I pulled out my phone and saw that Kayden said he was outside.
         "I'm leaving!" I yelled into the apartment. My parents were probably not home, but I wanted to be safe.
        I opened my door and headed down the hallway of the apartment. I went down the steps and to the front door. I was relieved when his car was right outside the door.
        I opened the door and was instantly met with cold air. I hurried over to his car and opened the passenger door. He smiled at me and I hopped down onto the seat. I closed the passenger door and looked back over at him.
          "You ready?" He said with a smile, kind of like a mischievous smirk.
           "Ready as I'll ever be," I said, my nervousness showing.
           "I see you're scared, I'll protect you," he said, then shifted the car out of park and started to drive.
          I smiled at him, but on the inside I was screaming.


          I was parked outside of Olivia's house. As I was waiting for her, I was looking around.
          Her house was giant and modern. She must be pretty rich.
          I was getting a little impatient, I've now been sitting in her driveway for 10 minutes, and I arrived 5 minutes late to begin with.
          I finally saw her front door open and she walked out. It was kind of cold out, about 45 degrees Fahrenheit. But she was in leggings and a tight crop top that was a tank top, no jacket with her. It did look super good on her, but I needed to get that off my mind.
          When she opened the passenger door and sat down, the car instantly smelled like perfume. She closed the door.
          "Won't you be cold?" I asked her.
          "I figured you would warm me up," she said, batting her eyes.
            I smiled and leaned over and kissed her, lingering on her sweet tasting lips.
            She smirked at me when I pulled back and put her hand around the back of my head, bringing me in for another kiss, a lot more passionate than the last.


          The car ride has already been really weird. We haven't really talked yet, so I decided to break the silence.
         "So what's your favorite horror movie?" I asked him.
          "That's a tough one. Saw is such a classic, so I'd have to go with that," he responded. "What about you?"
          "I've never really watched a horror movie, the closest I've gotten is watching Stranger Things but that's a TV show and not really scary," I responded.
           He nodded. "Well maybe we could watch one together sometime," he said shrugging.
          I nodded and smiled at him. "That sounds like a lot of fun, although I'm a wimp when it comes to scary things. I'm probably going to die tonight," I responded to him.
         "I'll make sure to keep you safe. Maybe afterwards you'd want to come back to my place?" He said with a wink.
          My heart started beating faster. No way, I know what he's getting at. No. Way.
         "Maybe, depends on how late it is," I said, trying to get out of it casually.
          "Oh come onnnn," he said smiling. "It's Friday night, it'll be fun," he said.
           "I'll think about it," I said, still trying to get out of it.
           He groaned. "You're no fun," he said jokingly.
          He turned left into the parking lot of Gebor's. My heart started racing again.

         I kept driving down the road, we were almost there. I can't believe I just did that. In my car. In her driveway. With her. I'm so gross. I feel gross. I regret that. I want to go home.
          "The next left is our turn," Olivia said, smirking at me.
           "So what, are we just not going to talk about it? The way you-"
          "Exactly, we are not going to talk about it," I said, turning into the parking lot. I parked and then opened my door, going around the car to open her door. As I did, she stepped out and I closed the door.
            She pulled her phone out and checked the time.
           "Let's go to that scarehouse over there, the small one," she said, hurrying over. I was kind of confused, but I didn't question.
         We walked in the door to it, and there was a small mirror maze to begin with. Ive done them a lot before, so we got through it pretty easily with little panic.
          I knew the next part was my least favorite thing about this place. We had to crawl through a tiny hole that led to a small room that had walls that would move inwards, making the room even smaller. I know where the hole to get out is, so it's not that bad for me.
          Olivia motioned for me to get in first, so I got down on my hands and knees and crawled in. There was usually some very dim lighting, but it was currently pitch black. That confused me.
          I got through and stood up in the room. I waited for Olivia to start to come through, but she didn't. I just heard a sliding sound.
         The lights turned on, but only enough for me to see a figure in the corner of the room. The lights got a tiny  bit brighter, and I could make out the face that had wide, terrified eyes in the corner.
         I knew something was up.

Edit: I thought I published this on Wednesday! I'm so sorry it didn't go out

Ahh! This is going pretty well! I'm almost to the place I'm going for thanksgiving so this is a little rushed, but it's done! I hope you enjoy and thank you all! Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate it!

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