6. Alone 'azz-ie

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The room was filled with the smell of rotten food and urine. The bed is unmade but there is nothing to be made in that bed for starters. There is just a thin cover that would probably do a horrible job of keeping you warm and there is a pillow that Harry can tell is probably uncomfortable from his place by the doorway. There was someone in a corner of the dark room, curled up to himself rocking slightly.

Harry was stuck. His whole body was stuck but his mind was racing. He felt like the time has slowed down and the heavy feeling in his chest would never go away.

'You fucking need to go to him, Harry. Go!' His mind finally reminded him, nudging him awake.

He snapped out of his shocked state and took a step in, ignoring the awful smell. He slowly walked to the corner, his boots making sounds against the cold concrete floor. He saw the silhouette of the person on the floor slightly shaking and a hand suddenly jerked making Harry gasp.

'Yes, this is Louis.' He felt so many emotions try to tackle him down to the cold floor and make him cry but he swallowed all of them down and sat down next to Louis. He took a shaky breath in.

"Loulou?" Harry whispered. Louis' head snapped up from where it was buried in his folded knees. Harry let out a gasp when he saw the boy.

Louis' face had tear tracks that has been made through the dirt on his face. His hair is outgrown and is blocking the view of his pretty blue eyes. His hand is jerking continuously and he's chewing on his other hand which is so dirty. There was a tiny drop of drool on his cheek just like in old days. His clothes are damp probably with urine and drool, Harry assumed.

"'azz-ie?" Louis asked to make sure that the person sitting in front of him is Harry. His attention on Harry was cut short with the giggle he let out at the way his hand jerked.

Harry wanted to cry. He felt like dying for doing this to Louis. He felt like all of this were his fault. He wanted to cry and scream, he wanted to turn back time and live all those days again just to make sure that none of this happens. He wanted to correct all these things and give Louis the happiest life.

He did the best thing he can think right now. He hugged Louis close, ignoring that his expensive clothes are getting ruined. 'LouisLouisLouis' was the only thing his mind screamed.

He glanced down at the frail and skinny boy that was in his arms, his eyes a few shades darker than before. He hesitantly ran his fingers through Louis hair as the boy was shaking from how cold the room was.

"I'm sorry, Louis. I'm so sorry. I don't know how to explain the guilt and sadness I feel. I didn't get to apologize to Jay. God, I'm sorry. Please forgive me." Harry mumbled hugging Louis closer to him.

"W'ere M-moma?" Louis asked in a teeny tiny voice that was barely audible.

That's when Harry's dam broke free. He started crying like he never has done before, tears ran down his face like a waterfall and he was sobbing uncontrollably. Louis got scared at the way Harry cried and he buried his head deeper into Harry's chest.

"N-no sad, 'azzie." Louis whispered trying to comfort Harry but it just made Harry cry more as his guilt grew more. Louis hugged Harry closer, trying to give some comfort to the older boy.

"I'm going to get you out of here, Loulou. I'm gonna get you. Yes, I'm gonna get you." Harry whispered as he rocked the younger boy, looking for comfort for both of them through his words and actions.

Louis pulled away from the hug with a sad smile. He was starting to remember that Harry left and so did his mommy. They left him here, all alone and scared.

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