17. 'Might as well thank Liam and Zayn.'

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-2 months later-

"No, it does not work like that. Yes, I would like to buy your building but this process is not what I was hoping for." Harry hung up the phone and leaned back on his leather office chair with a sigh. He wiped his face with another sigh and looked around his office.

Work is getting over him and he feels exhausted. Yes, he loves what he's doing but some people are too rude to deal with. He wondered why god gave such nasty people to this world.

His phone rang making him come out of his thinking pace. He looked at the phone vibrating on his table and saw it's a call from Anne. A smile crept into his lips as he knew this is probably Louis wanting to talk to him.

"Hello!" He greeted and could hear cute giggles from the other end.

"'Azzie!" Louis cheered making Harry chuckle.

"Hi, little honey bee! How are you?" Harry asked with a wide smile.

"'ood!" Louis squeaked out with a giggle following it. Harry's smile widened imagining how stunning Louis must look being all giggly and cute.

They kept talking about random things until Louis got distracted by a butterfly in the backyard.

"'Utterflee!" He cheered cutting off Harry in the middle of his sentence. Harry knew exactly what happened and smiled imagining Louis waddling after the butterfly.

"Careful, Lou. You'd fall." He said not wanting his baby to get hurt. He just heard Louis giggling loudly and then a thud followed by Louis' cries. He sighed knowing that the boy has fallen.

"Baby, you're fine. Talk to me sweetheart. Don't cry honey bee. It's all fine." He kept talking but it seems like the phone is somewhere else so Louis can't hear him.

He then heard Anne's voice making him let out a sigh of relief.

"Aw, angel. It's fine. Come here." He then heard some shuffling and Anne talking from the other end of the line.

"See, Hazzie is still here. Talk to him. Aw, honey bunch, it's just a little scratch. We'll put something to it." Harry got that she's still trying to get Louis to calm down from his cries. Harry couldn't help but coo.

"Baby? Sh... it's fine. I'm here. Tell me what happened." Harry talked to his phone.

"Boo boo. 'Utterflee go 'way!" Louis whined making Harry smile fondly.

"It's fine baby. I'll bring a butterfly for you, okay? Now be a good boy and let Anne clean your little scratch. No kicking, or else no sweets after dinner. Okay?" Harry asked.

"'Weets!" Louis cheered only focusing on the word 'sweets'. Harry chuckled.

"Yes, angel. You'd get sweets if you are a good boy. I gotta go baby. I love you." He listened closely to see if Louis says it back.

"Wuv 'oo." Louis said after letting out a small hiccup making both Anne and Harry coo.

"Now give the phone to Anne for me, please."


"We lads are coming over!" Niall came into Harry's office room cheering like he owns the place. Harry looked up from his computer and raise an eyebrow at the irish lad. Niall sat on the couch in Harry's office room and raised an eyebrow at Harry too.

"What?" Irish lad asked when he got fed up of the staring session.

"Next time scream after you close the door. I told you this before." Harry said with a stern look. Niall looked at the door and back at Harry.

Awaiting Angel - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now