11. He wished

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"Where's my angel?" Anne yelled as she walked into Harry's house. Louis giggled loudly at that and jumped off the couch. He waddled over to Anne as fast as he can.

"Here he is!" Anen said and engulfed Louis in a tight hug. Louis breathed in her motherly scent and snuggled closer to her.

"Hello, mom. You have a son named Harry too." Harry said standing there with his hands on his hips and a playful glare.

"Oh, do I now?" Anne asked smirking, making Harry huff playfully.

"Do you know that lanky frog standing there, Lou?" Anne asked turning Louis around in her hands and pointing at Harry. Louis giggled throwing his head back and nodded.

Harry crossed his arms with a little huff, giving Louis a sad face.

"Loulou, you remember me, right? Hazzie,your best friend" Harry said with a pout.

Louis giggled with his head back, his hand jerking continuously.

"'a-zzie m' f-wend" Louis said and threw himself into Harry, making Harry gasp and quickly catch him in his arms.

"Careful Lou, nearly dropped you angel." Harry said hugging the boy tightly.

Anne smiled fondly at the two boys, getting flashbacks of when the boys were young and would laugh loudly and make each other smile.

"Harry dear, don't you think you and Louis should go to therapy now?" Anne said patting Harry's shoulder. Harry has found a psychologist for Louis and today's their first appointment there. They has been going to Louis' speech therapist for two weeks now.

"Don't you gonna join us?" Harry asked.

"No, I just dropped by. I was on my way going out with few of my friends." Anne said and Harry nodded.

"Yeah, we should get going now. I was just packing a snack for him." Harry said and took Louis' hand in his and walked to the kitchen and Anne following them.

Harry sat Louis on a chair in the kitchen and turned around to find a lunchbox. Louis giggled and Harry turned around to see him playing with water that's running from the faucet of the sink in the kitchen and Anne is smiling at him fondly.

"Don't get your shirt wet, Lou." Harry said, smiling fondly at the adorable boy. 'He's much happier now.' Harry thought.

"All done!" Harry said when he finished packing some grilled cheese sandwiches to a lunchbox. He placed the lunchbox on the table and walked over to Louis.

"That's enough mister. We have places to go." He said taking both of Louis' hands in one of his hands and closing the faucet with hs other hand. Louis whined and tried to run the faucet again but Harry shook his head and picked the boy up.

"No, Lou. We can play more when we get home, alright?" Harry said stroking Louis' hair not wanting the boy to cry. A pouty Louis looked at him with hope, making Harry coo and nod at the boy. Louis then placed his head on Harry shoulder and started chewing on his hand.

"God, he's so precious." Anne mumbled, her fond smile growing. Harry smiled down at Louis and adjusted Louis' white shirt that has word 'Princess' in pink on it, so it doesn't show off the waistband of his panties from behind.

"Let's get going. Shall we?" Harry asked but got no response from Louis but Anne nodded and stood up.

"I'd be get going too. Come, Lou, give me a huggie!" Anne said excitedly. Louis squealed and wiggled out of Harry's hold to give Anne a hug. Anne kissed his forehead and both of his cheeks.

"Mom, you're leaving lipstick stains on his face." Harry commented chuckling. Anne sent him a playful glare.

"Do you want some too?" She asked with a smirk and Harry's eyes widened like lipstick stains can never be removed.

Awaiting Angel - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now