Chapter One

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It was August 20th, the first day of senior year. You were pretty excited, you honestly felt this was going to be a great year. You guess you were also happy this was the last year of high school. You got up and turned off your alarm. Your phone read, 7:15. You'd only lived a couple of minutes away from school, so you could afford to sleep in a little more.

You got up and grabbed your uniform out of your closet. Yet another reason to be excited about this school year, you only had to wear this god awful thing one more year. You got dressed and went to the bathroom, going through your morning routine. Once you were done and ready you grabbed your backpack and headed downstairs. You went into the kitchen and saw your mom and dad eating breakfast.

Your dad looked up from the paper, "Y/N, look at you. You're up before noon, how does that feel," his smile was contagious.

"Forced," You smiled.

He laughed and went back to his paper. "Y/N," your mom spoke.

"Yes ma'am?"

She walked over to the table handing you two paper sacks. "Your and Yoongi's lunch for today."

You smiled and looked up at her, "Thanks Mom."

"Sure," she spoke as she sat down at the table. You'd started to eat some toast that was on the table when Yoogi rushed in.

"Sorry I'm late," Yoongi shouted from the hallway as he came into the kitchen.

Yoongi and his family had moved in next door your freshman year. His parents were never home because they were always working. His dad was a traveling salesmen and his mom was an attorney. So once you'd became friends he just decided to basically become your brother. He actually has a connected room to yours in your house that your parents let him have. It's still a guest room but Yoongi has clothes and stuff in it. He became part of the family, pretty much after the first month of becoming friends.

You think your parents had felt bad that he was always cooped up in that house alone. They love him as their own though. He goes everywhere with you and the family. Plus your parents always wanted more kids but couldn't after they had you. Plus, you thought they're also happy you have a best friend ever since what happened with Jungkook.

Yoongi walked to the table, he said his hellos and goodbyes. He grabbed some toast and grabbed me, "We have 10 minutes, come on."

"Have a good day," your parents cooed.

"We will," you both chimed back.

You both climbed into your car. You hated driving so Yoongi always drove for you. "Mom made you lunch," You held up the brown bag that said, 'Yoongi' with a heart on it. He quickly glanced at it while driving, "That woman is my love of my life, my soul mate."

"Because she made you a sandwich?" you laughed. "That's not what soul mates are for."

"Not in that way," he retorted. "I believe you're my friendship soul mate."

You smiled to yourself, "I can see that." He pulled into the school parking lot and parked. You both hopped out of the car and walked into school. You handed him his lunch and asked, "What's your first class again?"

"Algebra 3," he lazily huffed out as the two of you walked into the building.

You laughed softly and sarcastically said, "Your favorite!" You got to his locker and he spoke, "I'm so excited I could hurl myself out the window."

"Please don't, we need each other to get through this last year." you pouted.

"Yeah, yeah," he grinned his gummy grin. "You have to go to your locker. You know that Jenkins kid left so your locker will be next to Jeon Jungkook," Yoongi said with a soft voice.

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