Chapter Three

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It was about ten when you went and grabbed a water from the kitchen. Thank god they had these for the designated drivers. You had enjoyed drinking but you wanted to talk and get answers from Jungkook and that was probably better if you were sober. Then again maybe one drink would help calm your nerves.

You had only seen Yoongi a couple of times, always with Jimin. Jimin was showing Yoongi off like it was his job. Yoongi, you could tell, was getting pretty drunk. With Yoongi being around Jimin, girls had started to flock to him. Which you found quite funny because Yoongi had only ever had one girlfriend and Jimin had, had many. So Yoongi was a little out of his element.

The last time you saw Yoongi though, he had been very drunk and making out with his ex, Cindy. You couldn't wait to tell him that in the morning.

You decided to go into the game room where some people were having a Mario Kart battle. You sat and watched for about thirty minutes until you went to find the bathroom, on your way you had literally ran into Hoseok. He smiled a sweet smile at you and you couldn't speak. Sadly, a girl came a grabbed him, taking him to the kitchen. He spoke with a soft caring voice saying, 'sorry' with a wave.

You went into another room to catch your breath when you saw some girls you knew from English. They saw you, came over and started talking you about about writing, classes and Yoongi. Apparently he was a very popular topic tonight. You had been in a really deep conversation with a girl, Holland, when Taehyung appeared at your side.

You hadn't noticed him at first but Holland had. She was staring at him like she could believe that he was right there. Taehyung really had a way with women. Sophomore year, I heard Mrs. Wade, our science teacher liked him so much she never gave him due dates. She just let him turn in things when he could.

He put his arm around you and spoke to her, "Hey it's Holland, right?"

She nodded, giddy she replied, "Yes! Hi Taehyung, how are you?"

"I'm great," he replied. "Just buzzing, you know?"

She nodded, "Me too, wow."

Yeah, Taehyung had a very strange effect on girls. He was very attractive but you didn't have a thing for him, but it was funny seeing other girls reactions. You moved your head to look at him, you had never been this close to him before. He was surprisingly muscular, you had heard he was in a band or something too. He always seemed happy and flirty, no wonder most people wanted him or wanted to be him. You might actually have a thing for him too if you didn't already like Jungk- you mean if you were looking for a guy.

Shit, you couldn't even listen to yourself anymore.

"Awesome," Taehyung said, jerking you out of your thoughts. "Holland, do you mind if I borrow Y/N here for a bit?"

Her smiled had faltered slightly. She looked at you and you gave her an apologetic smile. "Sure, Taehyung. Y/N, I'll text you later. I still want to hear about your story."

"Please do," you smiled and waved to her as she walked away.

Taehyung had replaced her spot in front of you. "Have you seen Jungkook?" he asked.

"No, why?" you questioned. You really hadn't been able to find him.

"No reason," he smiled and took your hand. "Come on."

You two had walked around talked for what seemed like forever. Taehyung was a lot more than you thought. He was smart, funny and a really great listener. You were really enjoying getting to talk to him. Oh course you had talked to him in Anthropology, but never just one on one.

You saw Jungkook in the doorway of the room you were in. You gave him a smile, hoping he would come and join you two. Instead he just walked out of the room and you frowned. "Turn that frown upside down," Taehyung giggled. You turned back to face him, "Oh sorry."

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