Chapter Two

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It was Wednesday and you were ready to go home. The final bell, finally, rang and you headed to your locker. You opened your locker and grabbed your backpack and the books you needed. You were stuffing your math book and notepad into your bag as Jungkook approached his locker. He was probably going to be coming home with you this afternoon. Since that's what you both agreed on, Wednesdays and Saturdays.

You two had only really said, 'hi' to each other at your lockers this week. Plus, he hadn't texted you since the whole Friends dvd thing. Not that you had been waiting.

"Hey, Y/N?" Jungkook asked.

You shut your locker and turned to him, "Yes?"

"We're still on for after school, right?"

You nodded, "Yeah, of course. I'm just about to head home." you looked over in Yoongi's direction, who was at his locker packing his stuff up, then back at Jungkook.

"Okay, great." He said stuffing his English book into his bag, along with some others. "I'll meet you there then," his smile was so bright.

You were about to say, alright, when someone rudely interrupted you. "Jungkookie! You want to hang out today?" it was Rebecca Miller.

She made fun of the way you'd kicked a ball in middle school, you hadn't liked her since. She was very popular for some reason though. You guess you were staring because she looked at you and said, "Take a picture it will last longer."

"Wow, good one. Did you get that witticism from your grandmother? Cause I'm sure it's as old as her." you spat. You had no idea where that came from. Not even a good comeback, you cursed at yourself. This was your space though and she was intruding. And Jungkookie? If she really knew him she'd know he hated that pet name.

You were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard Jungkook burst out into a fit of laughter, shutting his locker. "What the hell?" Rebecca said.

You were about to go off on her when Jungkook spoke. "Whoa," he stepped between the two of you. He stood in front of you and used one hand to grab your hand and the other to throw his backpack over his shoulder. You figured it was to calm you down but it only made you nervous. "Sorry Rebecca, not today. I have plans with Y/N."

She scoffed, "Who?"

Really bitch? You'd gone to school together for eight years.

Jungkook spoke, "My poor friend you're being so rude to."

"Yeah," you spoke. "So if you're done getting rejected by Jungkook I'd like to go home now."

She squawked and walked away. You looked around to notice that a couple of people had started staring. Jungkook still had your hand in his and quickly had started to drag you out of the hallway. You were by the door when Jungkook grabbed Yoongi, who had a quizzical look, with his other hand.

Jungkook hauled you both out of the school. When you finally got to the parking lot, Jungkook let go and really busted into a fit of laughs.

Yoongi asked, "What the hell happened?" Jungkook had started to try and explain what happened when he started to laugh again. Which only made Yoongi whine and want to know more. You stopped at you car and you realized you were giggling.

Jungkook still couldn't stop laughing enough to tell Yoongi. So you spoke, "Let Jungkook drive to our house so he can collect himself. Then he can tell you when we're there."

They both nodded to you.

You got to your house and all went in. Jungkook was smiling really big, "Y/N, I can't believe you did that."

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