Chapter 5

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I walked into the building feeling stupidly nervous. It was my first day at my new job. I kept worrying that I was too honest about my job searching intentions and someone would realise that I wasn't really suitable for the job. Or maybe they'd realise that going to an interview thinking it was for a completely different company wasn't really appropriate. Or that they'd figure out I lied and didn't really want the job.

I felt like I was walking on egg-shells. I didn't like this one bit.

I walked in through the heavy main door a little flustered—because I was also a little out of breath from rushing up the road, not just nervous—and noticed the reception area. If you could call it that, as it was just a small room with a glass window to the left. The small window had a view of an office room of sorts behind it, and there was a dauntingly large security locked door in front of me.

This place means business.

There was no one in the room I was standing in or in the small office behind the small window, so I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. I pulled on the security door, but it didn't budge.

Maybe it's a push door you plonker! I thought to myself and sighed as I pushed the door instead.

Still nothing. Obviously it was a security door, it wasn't supposed to be easy to go in or out. I could see there was an access panel on the side of the door where individuals had to scan a card or something to gain access. I obviously didn't have one, so I wasn't going to gain access by myself.

I groaned and looked around again. There was no one there. I had no idea how to get in.

In the corner of the room I stood in, however, there was a security camera looking right at me, catching me looking like a plonker on my first day. I waved at it, but nothing happened.

"Hello?" I called, waving at the camera again. Nothing.

Until I heard a voice; "Hello."

I span round and saw an amused looking woman staring at me from behind the glass. She had short curly blonde hair, an oval face with pink cheeks and bright green eyes.

"Oh, hi," I said, trying to keep the embarrassment at bay. "I, err, my name is—"

"Miss Mark. I know, I guessed it was you."


"Are you finished waving at the camera? I can leave you for a few moments if you like?"


She laughed. "I'm messing with you, my love. Go on through the door," she said, and must have pressed a button because I could hear a buzzing sound. "Come round and meet me. I'll wait by the door on your left."

"Okay, thanks," I said, and pulled the door open. It took me a few seconds to realise it really was a push door, not a pull, and I managed to open it before the buzzing stopped and locked me in the room again.

I rushed through, feeling extremely embarrassed now and saw the same woman standing and waiting in the threshold of the door like she said she would.

Behind the security door was a long dark and dreary corridor with a number of doors off of it from either side, the only light was coming through from a very vacant looking and rather small kitchen at the end of the corridor. The room behind the woman was the same room that I saw from the main entrance only from a different angle, and it really was that small.

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