Chapter 7

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"Who's this?" Simon asked, looking up from Dan and back at me. He actually looked jealous. My face fell. I felt instantly embarrassed. I didn't want the guy who I might be going on a date with to see me with another guy who I was actually considering seeing again—although fat chance of that happening now!

I had called Simon because I thought my relationship with him was easy. A date with this Dan guy was already turning into something complicated. Complicated because I didn't even know if it was a date. But within a matter of minutes, Dan became the easier option—and not to mention, having him standing there watching me curiously, the more attractive option!

"Err, this is—" I started to stutter.

"The guy who owns this bar," Dan interrupted, authoritatively taking over, "and seeing as you are upsetting someone I know, I'd like you to leave."

"You know?" Simon asked, looking from Dan and back at me again with a questioning look on his face as if to suggest I had done something horrific. "You know him? So all this time you were having a go at me for seeing other people and you've been doing the same!"

"No, I haven't I—"

"You're a whore!" Simon spat.

"GET OUT!" Dan yelled and made me jump. He had a hand up and was pointing to the front door while staring angrily at Simon. His voice had boomed around the bar, which had gone instantly quiet as if the conversation playing out between the three of us was of interest to the bar's remaining occupants. I could even see everyone had turned around to look at the scene, not even trying to be subtle. I was impressed—if not a little intimidated—of Dan.

"What if I don't?" Simon stood up. He was actually a little taller than Dan, but he was a lot skinnier. Dan actually was very broad around the shoulders, and I was sure it was muscle, by the look of his thick arms.

"Then I will make you!" Dan replied, frowning angrily at Simon.

"You can't make me, you cannot even touch me! I'll sue you for all your worth! I have witnesses!" Simon looked around the room frantically, clearly trying to rally up some of these witnesses. A few faces avoided his gaze as if not wanting to get involved in a potential legal battle on their Monday evening.

"I would actually love to see you try!" Dan suddenly grabbed Simon by the arm and literally dragged him out of the bar, leaving me sitting there wide-eyed in shock. Dan really did throw Simon out of the bar, his muscular power was obviously too much for him. Although I lost sight of Simon when Dan dragged him past the door, I had a wonderful image in my head that he landed painfully and embarrassingly on the pavement outside. Dan had even forcefully closed the bar door on him as if to make a point.

I watched in awe as Dan turned around to one of the staff members and said something to him. The guy with a blonde beard just nodded in response, before Dan came bounding over to where I sat motionless in shock.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice surprisingly calm even though he had just yelled at the top of his lungs and thrown a guy out onto the street in apparent anger.

I nodded.

"Disgruntled ex?" he asked.

"Something like that," I whispered in reply.

"Well, he won't be coming back in, he's banned from the bar."

"He...? You own the bar?" I asked in shock.

He smiled, which was a complete contrast to what I had just witnessed. "You sound surprised?"

"But you work at a hotel?"

He nodded. "Something like that." He then grabbed the empty glasses from the table. "Let me get you another drink, what would you like?"

"Oh, no, I'm fine," I said.

"It's on the house. Whatever you want."

"Whatever?" I asked. I was only really repeating what he said. I didn't really want anything. I was in too much shock at what had just happened to really form any decent decisions in my head.

"Whatever." He smiled back playfully. "And that includes our expensive champagne if you want?"


"I'll go get us a couple of glasses, I'll be back in a minute."

He left to go to the bar before I was able to object. I was too afraid to say anything. I just watched him wander back to the bar in astonishment as I had somehow managed to trade one man in for another. What just happened?

I continued to watch him curiously as he actually walked right behind the bar, like he owned the place. It was strange to watch. The other staff just stepped out of his way as he reached for a bottle on a high shelf and undid it. It gave a small 'pop' sound—the chatter in the bar was still a little lapse, it was only just picking up now Simon had been thrown out, so I heard the pop quite clearly—and he poured two glasses of champagne into two flutes. He walked back to the table moments later, discarding the bottle on the bar top.

"Here, try this," he said, passing me one of the glasses.

"Are you sure?" I asked tentatively as I took the glass from his outstretched hand.

"It's opened now, you might as well drink it."

I nodded and took a sip. Although I couldn't really tell whether it was good champagne or not, at least it did taste better than that cheap sparkling wine I was so used to drinking. "How much is it?" I asked, unsure I actually wanted to know.

"A grand a bottle."

I coughed on another sip, which he found highly amusing as he laughed. I placed the glass on the table as Dan seemed to get comfortable on the seat that Simon was originally sat at.

"I can't drink that, that's like, a whole month's wages for me!"

"Really?" he asked in a quizzical tone, as his eyebrows rose to match his mild surprise.

I nodded. "I'm sorry. Thank you, but, maybe I ought—"

"No, I mean, do you really only get a grand a month with your new job?" he interrupted.

"Well, just over," I corrected. "It's actually better money than the position I applied for at the hotel."

"Really?" he asked again, the same tone as before.

I nodded again, watching the man in front of me. I was curious to know why he was spending time with me, with a glass of the most expensive drink I had ever had.

"Jeez, it's no wonder we were getting some right strange people coming in!"

"Oh, thanks!" I frowned suddenly.

"Oh no, I don't mean you! You were the only one who actually had the best CV."

"Me?" My eyebrows rose. I realised now that my face must have been comical to watch. One minute my eyebrows were up the next furrowed into a frown. Like they were doing a dance on my face.

He nodded, apparently unaware that my eyebrows had a mind of their own. "While we're here, I might as well skip past Tuesday and tell you now," he started, but I just frowned at him, watching him as he drank the champagne like the liquid money meant nothing to him. "I want you to come work for us."

"What?" I gasped in shock.

I did not see that coming.


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