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~Six years ago...

Oh, New York!
New York, New York, New York!

Everyone in my family warned me about you, this city. They said you'd lure me here with your dazzling lights and glittering billboards, with the sweet scent of success that wafts through every open window on Wall Street, and with the high hopes and dreams that flow up and down the Hudson River. Then they said you'd pull me deep into those waters and drown me...
"You won't survive a month there," my mother said. "It's only for the people who actually have something going for themselves."

"You don't have what it takes and you never will," my oldest sister said.
"Just don't get mad when we say, 'We told you so,' when you beg us to come back." My father sent me those words via text message the day I left. Then he added, "You'll definitely be back, Shay. After a month at most."

Well, I've survived more than a month. It's been SIX MONTHS, and I've proved the three of them (and everyone else in my discouraging family) wrong. Dead. Ass. Wrong.

At only twenty-three years old, I'm living my wildest dreams. I'm staying across the street from Central Park in a fully furnished Lexington Avenue apartment, having weekly coffeehouse dates with nice guys who actually believe in chivalry and romance, and working at one of the most revered places in all of Manhattan. (Yes, I'm mainly making very lengthy coffee runs and drowning in endless hours of grunt work, but this is the place I've wanted to work since I was thirteen years old, so I don't care.)

And if that isn't enough, just this morning, I received some amazing 'this-can't-be-my-life' news that I can't share just yet. Nonetheless, I have a feeling I'll be writing about that soon.
Until then, I simply wanted to start anew with a fresh blog since my previous one died from neglect. What better way to begin than by saying life couldn't be any better right now?
I hope this never changes.

Write later,
Shay Taylor

**Taylor S.**

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