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One year ago...

If you ever want to know how to crush someone's spirit, the recipe is fairly simple: One-part unemployment, two (part-time) jobs that won't officially begin for thirty days, and three parts moving into a rundown Brooklyn apartment with a random girl you met off Craigslist.

Stir well. Serve cold.

I never thought I'd say this, but New York City has officially lost its luster for me. That blinding brightness I once admired is now tainted with the darker shades of hopelessness everyone tried to warn me about.

I can't walk down Fifth Avenue without feeling like a failure, and those dazzling dreams I used to dream don't feel like possibilities anymore. They're all daunting delusions of grandeur.

For a split second, I considered returning home to Boston-telling my family that they were right. I thought I could sit in my old room and figure out another direction for my life, all while ignoring their incessant put downs and relentless repeats of 'I told you so'. But yesterday, when my older sister called me and said, "I just bet Dad another thousand that you'll be back by this Christmas."-I decided I'd rather deal with my new hand in life instead of folding.

All of that said, I'm deactivating this blog today. There's no point in blogging for an audience of trolls, or posting things that will only be seen in the far, unvisited corners of the internet.

I probably won't have time to blog anyway. Between being a "domestic engineer" (a nice word for housekeeper) and a floating reserve flight attendant (a nice word for "flying waitress"), I'll be laughing at the irony in all this.

And since my college degree is now practically worthless, and I'm blacklisted from most of the places I'd actually want to work, I leave this blog with this:


Fuck you, New York City.

Fuck you, New York Times.

Fuck you, you know who you are.

And fuck you, Kimberly.

Fuck. You.

Write later

Write never,

**Taylor S.**

1 comment posted:

KayTROLL: Who is this audience of "trolls" (plural) that you speak of? I'm still your only fucking follower...

Turbulence - (18+)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora