The Ex-Girlfriend

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This chapter introduces a new character aka. AN EX OF THE BANDS!!!! Finn and Rachel have already had so much drama so they deserve a break from the dramatic world and just chillax.



Sam P.O.V


I recieved a weird message last night on Facebook. My ex, Danielle Morgan messaged me saying 'Miss u babe! :)'

We broke up before I became a band and I haven't been bothered to delete her as a friend yet. Last thing I noticed was it said:

Danielle Morgan went from 'in a relationship' to 'it's complicated'

It's complicated? Seriously! I broke up with Danielle 3 years ago! One Direction had just formed....

---------------(3 YEARS AGO)----------------

"Hey Sammy." Danielle says.

"Hey Dani. We need to talk." I say.

"What is it?" Danielle asks.

"We need to break up." I say.

"What?" Danielle says.

"Well, when I travel with the band, I might meet someone else." I say.

"Get out of my house, Samuel Evans!" Danielle shouts.

"Dani-" I start but she pushes me out.

-------------(PRESENT DAY)-------------------

"Hey 'Cedes." I say as I kiss Mercedes on the lips.

"Hey Sam." Mercedes says, cheerfully as we part.

"What are you so happy about?" I ask, smiling.

"That I have the most amazing boyfriend ever!" Mercedes says and kisses me.

We kiss for a bit but are interupted by a cough. We part and I see the girl who I broke up with 3 years ago.

"Danielle. What do you want?" I ask.

"I'm here for us." Danielle says, smiling.

"We broke up 3 years ago." I say.

"No we didn't. You didn't meet anyone while touring so I'm here for you since I found out you now go to this dump of a school." Danielle says.

"We broke up and plus I did find someone. This is Mercedes Jones and I love her." I say, grabbing Mercedes's hand.

"You're really going out with fat and ugly over here?" Danielle says.

"She isn't fat and ugly, she's beautiful," I say, looking at Mercedes then returning my glare to Danielle, "And yes I am going out with her."

"Wannabe." Danielle mumbles to Mercedes.

"Hell no, girl!" Mercedes shouts.

"Let's go Mercedes." I say and pull Mercedes away.

"I'll win you back, Sam! Even if it's the last thing I do!" Danielle shouts.


Glee club is where I see her next but it's good that I have song to express what's going on. I just need the guys to back me up.

"Mr Schue. I have a song to sing." I say.

"Go ahead Sam." Mr Schue says.

"I'm going to need the back up of my boys for this song." I say and Finn, Artie, Rory and Joe come and join me.

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