Chapter 4

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"hold on!" Magnus yelled to everybody in the circle as i waited impaitently as i watched them all grip each others hands tightly. "we must give up a memory of a loved one!" Magnus yelled as the demon wanted its payment and i frowned a little. 

Clary's was of her mother. Jace's was of me, Alec, and Izzy. Izzy's was her brother, me and Jace and Alec's was of me, Jace and Izzy. i smiled at the picture of me laughing smiling.

"no its not true! the demon decieved me!" Alec yelled and my heart broke. did he just...did he just deny his love for me? or was it Jace?

"Alec its okay!" Alec shook his head and let go and everybody went flying backwards. that was when all hell broke loose and Alec went to stand up and go into the tornado but i pushed him out of the way and got sucked up instead. "Ari no!" Izzy yelled and grabbed my legs. i screamed as Magnus tried to gain control of the demon as everybody grabbed my legs. Alec had a look of panic on his face as he saw what he had done. i was suddenly thrown to the ground and landed on my back coughing.

i glanced up and saw Clary with a blade gasping for breath. i nodded to her trying to gain control over my breathing. once i did i scurried away from Alec and the others and went out to Magnus's balcony.

"Ari im-" Alec started stopped when he saw me turn around with tears steaming down my face. he frowned slightly and stepped forward, "i didnt mean anything i said...." i scoffed, "if you dont love me then just admit it. save me the heartbreak." he sighed, "i dont know what i want Ari. i love you but i also love..." i nodded, "Jace. you also love Jace." he nodded and looked down.

"why did you try so hard to win me back then? why did you say you loved me if you didnt mean it?!" i yelled at him and he continued to look down. i nodded, "to play with my emotions. how nice of you." i growled and stormed past him. he gripped my wrist and i stopped walking my heart beating a million miles a minute.

"i do love you Ari....i was not playing with your emotions or trying too.." i rolled my eyes and looked down, "well you did. even if you didnt mean broke my heart. again. congradulations. were done Alec." i whispered and slipped my wrist out of his grip and walked out of the building. i slid down the wall outside of my uncles place and saw the glittery pants before anything. i glanced up and he frowned, "im sorry darling." i shrugged, "your not the one he lied to.."

Magnus sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "no but you shouldnt have had to find out like that." i shrugged, "im glad i did. because now i know he never truely loved me....not like how he said it. hes in love with his best friend Mag..." i whispered to him and he sighed, "i know. i overheard. we all did but Jace was too busy worrying about Clary than anything." i scoffed, "of course. im going to go see my dad...." he nodded, "do you want someone to go with you?" i shook my head, "no i need to be alone right now. just tell them ill see them tomorrow or something." he nodded and kissed my hair and i sighed as i stood up and walked down the hallway.

"wait Ari. do you wanna change? you left some of your clothes here the last time you were here." i nodded and turned around and walked back in the room and ignored everybody's looks including Alec's. i quickly changed and wiped my makeup off with the wipes i had in my room i stayed in whenever i stayed over at Magnus's....

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