Chapter 9

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dan will cme 2 pick u up at ready- T

I glanced down at the message and then checked the time. It was ten minuted to six and I was ready. Not just me, the babies were all ready too, and their bags were too, with multipurpose diapers and other stuff. Dan was supposed to drive us to his office and then we were going to head for the dinner together.

A part of me was super hyper and excited. I felt like a high school teenager once again, going on my first date with my crush. But the other part of me was downright nervous, because it had been two years since I last went to a date (yeah, yeah I know it isn't a date, but still) and this time I really didn't want to fuck up anything. One of the major reasons was that I knew that my teeny weeny crush wasn't a result of just attraction, I liked him on a totally different level. Yeah, I was aware how handsome and hot he was, with those glimmering blue eyes, that chiseled face, his rippling muscles and that sexy butt of his. But they weren't the only reasons I was ready to push down my walls and accept how I felt for him.

I just knew one thing for sure, what I felt for him wasn't love, not of the romantic kind, at least.


The door bell jolted me out of my reverie and I jumped up to open it.

"Hey, Dan." I said, the moment I opened the door and smiled at him.

"Hey, Lisa, you look good. You know I'm here to pick you up, right?" Dan grinned at me, twirling his car keys.

I nodded and let him in. I wasn't wearing anything flattering, just a cute sundress and flats. I had completely freaked out when Allie was here but she had somehow managed to calm me down without getting freaked out herself while suggesting a cute outfit for me. Not that I was fashionably challenged, mind you, but I just didn't want to overdo anything.

Dan took the strollers and the purple baby bag, and headed downstairs, while I followed him with the twin baby carrier. Once we all were seated in and strapped he started the car and we headed towards the Powers Enterprises building. I had been in a hurry last time, and didn't pay attention to my surroundings. It was a huge glass, edifice, towering over all the other buildings, looking magnificent in all its glory and had thousands of minions slaving in. We were parked inside the premises near the small, beautiful garden that had been maintained there.

I had informed Terrence that we reached and he had said that he would take fifteen minutes, but it was past twenty minutes now and I was getting bored, so I decided to annoy his minions while he took his time.

I got out of the car, instructing Dan to inform me when the babies woke up and then entered the lobby. Inside, the place was as magnificent and it reeked of discipline. In the past week, I had almost forgotten that the Terrence I knew and the Terrence the people knew were two completely different personas of the same person. He loved keeping his employees on their toes, but rewarded them well too. He was ruthless, yes, intimidating too and was barely polite.

In short, he was nothing like the sweet but perverted asshole whom I knew.

The moment I entered, all heads snapped towards me, probably remembering my last visit. Everyone had heard our little argument and were expecting another one today, but only I knew, and probably Terrence too, that they were going to get the shock of their lives.

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