Chapter 19

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So, I managed to do this really stupid thing. Somewhere along combining the chapters and Editting the story, I managed to delete Alyssa's birthday scene.

The most important part of the story.

Lol, for me. Lucky for me, I had it saved in my revision history.


The month of October started as calmly as the previous three months went by. I was at the PPH, and had just wrapped up another interview with a new author.

I sighed and got up from my desk. I desperately wanted to go home.

How quickly the three months went by was something absolutely beyond me. Raine and Ryan had mastered the art of wriggling, crawling and rolling. Like every set of twins, they seemed to have that telepathic connection too, and it did cause me a lot of trouble.

Terrence's house was big, and it only added to all the problems. We had been careful in babyproofing the house, and took down every object that could be counted as capable of injuring the kids. They moved so fast, that sometimes Terrence and I wondered how they could easily wriggle out of our hold.

Troublemakers. Absolutely mischievous troublemakers. They were polar opposites of each other yet stuck together perfectly and wouldn't even want to fall asleep without the other. They had managed to learn a lot of things in the past few months along with crawling, flipping and sitting.

First of all, they had learnt how to make mommy run around the house like the madwoman she was, and make her keep screaming their names as she chased them. They loved it, and what was worse, they both took off in opposite directions. I actually had to do a furniture-benefit analysis to check on which side, the furniture had more chances to get ruined.

I still remembered that one day, oh God.

I had been working on my laptop peacefully, under the secure illusion that Raine and Ryan were asleep. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the baby monitor squeaked beside me and I could hear scraping sounds from the nursery. Terrence was in his study, doing his work, so I was alone.

The scraping sound was scary and I hadn't known what to make of it.

"Ryan? Raine?" I called out, but this time, not even the monitor squeaked anything. The scraping sounds had stopped and now I was more scared than ever, hoping that a thief didn't break in.

I padded noiselessly and swiftly towards the door to the nursery, waiting for any kind of sound or movement to give away what was happening inside, but everything was eerily silent.

I Found the BabiesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora