Dree & Aaron

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It had been three months of meet ups, hanging out and every other possible thing that two friends in a platonic relationship did.

Yes, it meant no sex. That was the thing I was dearly missing, all because Aaron was being a stuck up prude and a walking chastity belt.

He had looked so appalled that day, when I had suggested casual sex. I clearly remembered his reaction:

"What did you just say?!" he had nearly yelled at me.

"I said: Can we be friends with benefits, you know, casual sex?"

"I had heard that, " he had hissed and looked quite offended, "And I know what it means. I just don't believe you suggested that."

"We both have to admit that sex between us was amazing then, and I don't mind doing it again. That's why I suggested it. But I think the past eight years have made me quite undesirable." i had retorted.

"Fuck, you're sexier and more than gorgeous, and saying no is the most difficult thing for me right now! But I don't to make things right and do things right! I don't want to rush into anything and do something to make you hate me again. If you want sex, you have to be my girlfriend."

"What?!" I screamed, "Are you kidding me? I cannot be your girlfriend!"

"Then no sex for you!"

"You are not my dad!"

"Trust me, I don't want to be. Be my girlfriend and I'll ride you to the moon and back! But right now, you are not going to get even a kiss, do you get that?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"But why?" I pouted.

"Don't be a child!"

"A child doesn't ask for sex!" I snapped.

"If I say I am going to do things right, then I am. My self control is not as ironclad as you think so don't push me!"

That was not the last time we had fought over it. In fact, it had become the one and only topic we strongly disagreed. And just because of that disagreement, I was here today, in a club to provoke him. I hadn't done this before, purely because I did love that guy and sex with anyone else didn't sound appealing anymore.

Then why was I at the club today? To pick up a guy? No. To provoke a certain someone in this club to get into action? Yes! Aaron, was here with a few people who worked under him, and I was definitely going to rile him up.

It didn't take long for me to get drunk, particularly because the men around were taking too long to approach. Was it now my job to grow balls and chase after a guy for a hook up? Had this been the case three months ago, it wouldn't have been much of an issue, but not now. I was not  to find a guy, I was here to provoke the beast inside a man.

Finally, there was light. A man, much less handsome than Aaron, came up to me we a smirk on his face and offered me a drink. I retorted with a smirk of my own and discreetly threw the entire drink away. I was not stupid - I was already too drunk and I didn't need a spiked drink to boggle up my mind more.

"What are you doing tonight?" He asked in a low, husky voice which would've sounded sultry had I had been in the mood for it. 

"Whatever you say!" I faked a giggle, and ran a finger down his chest.

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