set VI

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I'm one of the oiliest people I know. I have really bad oily skin but I also have skin that's dry in patches. (For example: smile lines, between my brows and my chin.) Ever heard the saying, "Fight fire with fire"?  Well, that's what you have to do with oily skin. NOT WITH FIRE THOUGH. That's dangerous. Fight oil with oil. Now I know you're now thinking "Holy crap, what kind of drugs is this author on?" Meth. No, just kidding. I was just as equally surprised when I learned that putting oils on your face helped with oily skin. I always thought drying your skin out combatted oil. However, drying your skin out makes you produce more oil than you already have. Bummer. So you gotta use oils to help with your oily skin. You can't just use any oil though. Most recommended oils for oily skins is Tea Tree Oil, Almond Oil, and Vitaman C or E Oil because these oils are natural hydraters.

For example: I wash my face in the shower and dry it out. Once I'm out of the shower, I put Tea Tree Oil sparingly on my face. Once the Tea Tree Oil drys up, I put Bio-Oil (a product I mentioned in a past chapter) on a powder makeup brush and lightly apply it all over my face. Bio-Oil is made for dark spots, uneven skin tone and dehydrated skin. Sadly, I have all of that so I apply it lightly. Bio-Oil also helps with scars, so you might see a difference in acne scarring. 


Honestly, if you have oily or combination skin, your best bet is to go with makeup that's oil-free if you use oils in your skincare routine already. Oils in makeup are often thicker than oils such as Tea Tree Oil or Almond Oil. They're often really thick and settle very easily into pores and, as you can guess, causes breakouts. Try looking for primers and foundations that are oil-free. Especially primers. Also trying finding foundations that are mattifying because they'll be less likely to let oil seep through. 

Suggestions for primers: 

High-End: SMASHBOX Photo Finish Foundation Primer Light ($36) [At Ulta/Sephora]

Personally, this is the one I prefer. I got it with a sample from Ulta and I fell in love with it. It's super lightweight and is oil-free so it didn't clog my pores and it made my foundation last forever. However, since it is such an expensive primer, I only use this when I plan to wear my makeup for more than 5 hours. 

Drugstore:  Rimmel Stay Matte Primer ($5.24) [Amazon]

This is my basic primer that I use daily. It's cheap but does a similar job as the Smashbox primer. However, the Rimmel one feels a little heavier on the skin compared to the Smashbox. It also gave me a bit of a breakout every now and then but if I apply it lightly, it's not horrible. This primer is also fragrance and silicone free for those with oily and sensitive skin!


This one is pretty self-explanatory. Your hands and fingers contain hundreds of thousands of bacteria and your fingers are also oily so your palms and fingerprints say puffy. Touching you face a lot is just asking for breakouts. 


Seriously, stress does impact your acne. Just take a day to relax and unwind and put on a few face masks and exfoliate your skin. Just take care of your skin and your skin will take care of you. 

Author's Note:  Wow! I can't believe how this book has shot off over the past month. I've gotten countless votes and adds to libraries. Thank you all so so much! I originally started this book out as a joke and didn't think anyone would take it seriously, but obviously, I was wrong! I'm really glad that you all enjoy this book and I hope you continue to enjoy it! Feel free to check out my other stories or give me a follow! :)

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