Chapter 2

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Violet's POV

I hear distant voices, that are slowly dragging me out of my peaceful sleep. I open one eye, looking at my sister sitting next to my feet. I see her peer down at me.

"You fell asleep on the sofa." She states, looking back up at the blaring TV.

"Yeah I can see that squirt." I mutter, pulling myself up into a sitting position. "Did you have to turn on the TV at," I look down at my watch. "At 7:30am? Why'd you have to wake me up!"

Kylie smirks at me, that little devil. "Cause then it wouldn't be any fun, and stop calling me squirt!"

"Squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt." I say, "I would consider you asking me to stop calling you squirt, but you were the one who woke me up!" I point out mischievously.

"Ugh, whatevs." Kylie says, rolling her eyes.
"Did you just say 'watevs?'" I question, raising my brow.

"Yeah it's what all girls my age say!" Kylie says, looking at me like I was a ghost.

"Well it's weird, so don't say it. You sound like a cringey teenage girl." 

"I am a teenage girl!"

"Kylie you're twelve! You still have a yea," I say in disbelief. "Trust me, enjoy being young while you can."

"Whatevs." She says getting up, as she walks to the kitchen. I roll my eyes, glancing back at the television.

"We hardly have any food!" Kylie yells, as she looks up from the fridge.

"I know, I'm going shopping today." I say, "want to come with me? I also have to go to your new school, you can check it out before tomorrow."

"Sure, sounds good." She replies, as she walks into her bedroom.

"Great, we leave in 30 minutes!" I yell, walking into my bedroom to get changed.


"We'll quickly stop at your school, then mine, after that we go to the shops... Sound good?" I ask, as we both climb onto the bike.

"Yep, let's go." I rev the engine and we set off. I guide the bike down the endless streets before we stop at a huge beige building, the American flag waving proudly at the front of the glass doors. We get off my bike, and I quickly put my keys in the pocket of my leather jacket. We walk through the main entrance to the PTA (parent-teacher association) shop, where they sell books, textbooks, stationary, etc. After buying all of the stuff Kylie needs, I ask the receptionist there to print out her timetable. We then leave the elementary school, and quickly stop off at my high school before making our way to the grocery store.

Kylie and I walk pass the fruit isle with our shopping trolley, as I study the small list I made with one of my old notepads.

"Grab some fruit would you?" I mutter to Kylie, picking up some oranges.

"Will do." She says, picking up a few things and dropping it into the trolley. We almost have everything we need, we just need some bread and more milk.

"Go get some bread, I'll get the milk. I'll meet you by the checkout counters."

"Okay, see you in a sec." Kylie replies, turning on her heal and walking to a different isle.

I push the trolley to the dairy isle, searching for milk, I see something move in the corner of my eye. When I look up I see a boy around my age,  his dark brown hair is ruffled messily, and his piercing amber eyes stare back into my grey ones. 

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