Chapter 6

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Violet's POV

I walked away from Jackson as quickly as I could, walking into the school building. I walked past and in between pupils, trying to get to my locker. Suddenly, I am being bashed into a wall. I groan, as I look at who it was. A girl who I had learned goes by the name of Betty. Of course.

"Hi there!" She screeches, "what were you doing with Jackson?"

"Uh talking? Is there some rule against that?" I say, a cold smile forming on my lips. Betty on the other hand looks genuinely surprised that I had talked back to her.

"You watch your mouth! Or I'll make the whole school hate your guts!" She says, glaring at me. 

"Oh no!" I say sarcastically, as I place a hand on my forehead dramatically. Betty doesn't say anything, instead she kicks me in the shin. An 'ow' manages to escape my lips, before I glare at Betty and punch her in the jaw. By now loads of students were gathered around, some taking photos and others going 'oooooohhhhh.'

"Don't mess with me Betty." I whisper into her ear before walking away.


So I got called to the principals office for punching Betty, and now I have to go to after school detention today. Great, just great. It was now third period, pulling out my schedule I find out I have my first PE lesson today. I walk into the changing rooms and choose a corner in the back to change. There are already a few girls in here, and soon the room piles up.

I pull my shirt over my head, I then slip on my PE top. When I hear a voice coming from the other side of the room.

"Yeah, she's so fat! OMG! Have you seen her stomach, EW!"

I instantly recognise the voice as Betty's, she's now in my PE class? Ugh. She was also talking about the most awful thing ever, body shaming? That's just low. The anger I felt for her just rose from a seven to a ten.

I just ignore her cackling as I put on my PE shorts and trainers, I then stride out of the changing rooms and into the gym. People are
scattered everywhere, some are sitting on the bleachers. While others are walking around talking. I spot none-other than Jackson Hamilton sitting on the bleachers, laughing with some of his friends. Jesus, kill me now!

Who I presume is the PE teacher, walks into the gym and blows the whistle. Causing everyone to jog over to her. I stroll over to where she's standing, and she steps up onto a bench so that she is looking down at everyone.

"Hello everybody! Today we are going to be doing some cross country running!" She says with enthusiasm. Groans and cheers are erupted from the crowd of students, personally I was not to bothered. I was quite a good runner.

"Alright, let's all head out to the track!" She says, leading all of us outside.

"Alright as you all know we run 3K which is equivalent to 7.5 laps around the track! Can everyone line up please?" We all bunch up together at the starting line, and we wait for her signal.

"Okay ready? 3, 2, 1, GO!" She says, and we all take off into a jog. I jog past loads of my classmates, I look up ahead to see who's in front. I see Gino, Jackson, another boy and two girls that I don't know. I easily catch up with the boy, and after two laps I pass the two girls. Leaving Gino and Jackson ahead of me. I jog another lap, and slowly but surely I am gaining on both of them. Another lap passes by, 3.5 more laps to go! On my forth lap, I am right on Gino's heels. I am breathing heavily, trying to see if I can pass him. But I can't. My muscles are sore and a stitch is forming in my stomach, but I keep going. I jog besides Gino for the next lap and start to quicken my pace, I am able to pass him but he is not far behind. Jackson is around six meters ahead of me, I've got to beat that son of a bitch!

It's finally the seventh lap! So I quicken my pace as we are nearing the end. I manage to go right beside Jackson as we are getting closer and closer to the finish. He looks over at me in shock, as I attempt to overtake him. But his legs are longer, and he manages to stay ahead of me by a centimetre. We are at the last stretch, the PE teacher is yelling at us to sprint. So I do. I start to sprint and I manage to pass Jackson, but he starts to sprint as well. We both pass the finish line together. I stop and start to pant, trying to sooth my lungs that were on fire.

"You were amazing!" Says the PE teacher as she comes up to me. "I haven't seen you before, are you new?" She asks me.

"Yeah I am, I'm Violet." I manage to breathe out, the teacher checks her register.

"Oh of course! I'm Ms. Perri by the way." She says, going back to encourage the other students.

"You were amazing." Rumbles a voice from behind me, I turn to see Jackson. His face flushed a dark pink, his chest heaving. I swallow.

"Thanks, didn't know you could run." I say.
"Didn't know you could run." He says, scratching the back of his head.

"Well, I really am full of surprises aren't I skipper!" I say sarcastically. As I turn to walk away. I manage to catch him mumbling something along the lines of 'you really are' which makes me grin. 


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