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[Anna's POV]

The alarm clock went off and I opened my left eye to check the time. 7:10. Monday. School. Having straight A's doesn't mean I love school. I hate it. I groaned. Less than 3 hours of sleep! I swear I'm sleep deprived. My mind drifted back to what happened last night and I smiled.

"Honey! Stop moping around or else you'll be late!" my mom shouted from downstairs. Unlike some other rich families, my mom actually stays with me at the house, and I'll be forever grateful for that.

"Got it!" I shouted back.

I quickly got off my cozy bed, took off my pajamas, and changed into a crop hoodie that says 'fearless", a high waist jeans, and a black Converse. I pulled my hair into a high ponytail and applied some light makeup. If you ever see me in anything that's not Converse, something's wrong with me. I got my turquoise Jansport backpack, swinged it on my right shoulder and walked down the stairs to the kitchen. I found my mom sitting at the counter and stirring coffee. Okay, so there are two things unusual about this image: One. Since when does mom sit and wait for me to come down stairs? Two. Coffee? She never drinks them unless she has something on her mind. That only meant one thing. There's something mandatory that she wants to talk about. Uh oh.

"Hey honey. Is there something that you want to talk to me about?" she asks me.

Crap, crap, crap. What did I do wrong again? Did I break another vase? No, it couldn't be. The last one I broke was 3 months ago, and I secretly brought her a new one. Or my report card? No, I'm doing well on every subject. Oh god, or-

"No, you didn't break another vase," she said, raising her eyebrows at me. I swear she can read my mind sometimes.

Oh phew. Oh, wait that means-

"Yes, I knew about the vase you broke 3 months ago,"

It was my turn to raise my eyebrows.

She sighed. "I added the security cameras for a reason Anna."

Oh. Oops.

"Since you're gonna be late, I'm going to get straight to the point. Where were you last night?"

WHAT!? How did she know?

Maybe she was stalking me! She might be a secret FBI investigator that was sent here to keep an eye on me, probably because I'm some magical unicorn or some sh*t. Wait, if I was a unicorn, I would know that right? Yea..Anyways, back to the question, how does she know?

Oh. Right. The security cameras. Dang it.

"Who were you with?"

"Um," I decided to tell the truth. "I was with my boyfriend. Ashton."

"You what! When did you get a boyfriend? Ashton? As in Julian's brother, Ashton? Is he nice to you? Why didn't you invite him over? I don't think I ever had a proper conversation with him before," she started to spit me with her oh-my-god-my-daughter-isn't-going-to-die-single-but I- need-to-make-sure-the-boy-treats-her-right questions.

"Mom..." I groaned. "We had just started dating. He's surprisingly nice. I promise that I'll bring him here some day." I told her everything about the date last night, except for the fact that we started dating because of a dare. Like who would be dumb enough to tell your mom like "Oh mom, by the way I was playing truth or dare and I was dared to date Ashton. I kinda happen to kinda like him now," Excuse me wait what? No no no. I don't like him at all. Yes, not at all.

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