Chapter 4

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It took me longer then what I would have liked to fall asleep last night then I had to drag myself out of bed to take Kayla to school.

Mondayitis had hit us both. I was tired and cranky. Kayla didn't want to cooperate at all today. After 30 minutes of persuading her to get in her uniform, I pulled her lunch out of the fridge and shoved it in her bag. I quickly did her hair and we raced out the door.

I had managed to get Kayla to school on time and after that drop off, I had shopping to do.

I parked my car at the local shopping centre and wondered through the doors. I worked my way down from each shop. The bills got paid at the post office, then I stopped in at a nail salon and pampered myself before heading in to Robins Kitchen.

I was eyeing off a bamboo spice carousel when I was interrupted.


I turned to see Derrick. Me being surprised was an understatement.

"Mr Caine." I smiled in acknowledgement. "What are you doing here?" I asked innocently.

"Shopping." He smirked. I sussed out his purchase. He had a box with a pot set inside.

"I have the same pots at home." I spoke politely.

"How was your date the other night?" He asked with a small snap of jealousy.

I looked at him confused. Date? "Oh yes. Peaceful."

Now Derrick looked confused. "Bye, Mr Caine." I smiled as I walked out of the shop.

I quickly rushed to Woolworth and grabbed a trolley. I soon got lost in my thoughts as I went straight to the baking aisle.

I slowly picked up the needed ingredients and placed them in the trolley. I quickly calculated in my head how much flour and sugar I would need as I added bag by bag in to the trolley.

I moved to the meat section and picked up a kilogram of mince and made my way to the checkout.

I saw who was in front of me with a basket of fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs.

"Are you stalking me?" I laughed at Derrick. Derrick turned to me and his eyes went straight to my trolley in question.

"Baking?" He asked.

I laughed. "I have demanding clientele."

But Derrick didn't look to impressed. "Do you have a second job, Terra?"

I was taken back by his tone. "No, sir." I raised to his glare.

Derrick placed his basket on the conveyor belt. "I'm serious Terra. If you have a second job, you can make it your only job."

"What?" I shrieked. "I don't have a second job." I hissed. "I'm volunteering for a cake stall."

That took Derrick by surprise. "A cake stall?"

I didn't answer him, but I held his stare.

Derrick broke away and paid for his food. I placed my items on the bench as the server scanned my items.

"I got roped in to it." I half smiled as I placed the bags in to my trolley.

"Do you volunteer much?" Derrick asked.

I paid for my shopping and looked at him before pushing my trolley away. "Are you always this interested in your staff?" I challenged him.

Derrick raised his eyebrows and laughed. "What are you doing tonight?"

I laughed in shock. "I have plans."

Derrick kept to my pace as he held his bags. I was heading for the exit. "What time do these plans finish?"

Deliciously Tempting. (COMPLETED) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ