Chapter 11

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"What about baking?" Derrick asked.

I looked up at him. "I don't know. Once I was 12, mum let me make everyone's birthday cakes. Then dessert. I use to spend hours on researching recipes. And I just went from there."

"So you are experienced in most fields."

"Yes. I studied hard and worked my ass off to be where I am."

"Was there a mild but stubborn threat I detected?" Derrick teased.

"No." I flashed him a grin. "Just saying I worked hard to get where I am."

"You'll be glad to know you got that first promotion before I met you."

"And the second one?" I arched my eyebrow at him playfully.

"To spite what's his face. In my restaurants, I have leaders, teachers. I accept nothing less."

I sat back with a small smile on my face. "Terra," Derrick tapped my arm for my attention. "I don't care if other people think that you slept with me for a promotion. Let them think that. You know the truth."

"But I do care. They are my work colleagues." The conversation had turned from friendly serious to nearly nasty serious. I tried my hardest to keep at bay the bitterness in my voice.

Derrick sighed and took my hand and kissed it. "I have already told you that I do know how to keep business and personal away from each other. Trust me."

I closed my eyes and turned my head to the window. "Fine. I'm sorry."

"There's nothing to be sorry about. You are a passionate person. Don't ever be sorry for that."

I smiled as I squeezed his hand. We still had three and a half hours to go.

The rest of the plane ride I reread a magazine, did all the puzzles and Derrick and I played Gin. When we both tired from that game, I ended up napping for two hours.

I had fallen asleep watching the sunset and woken to darkness.

Now I looked out the taxi windows in excitement as we made our way to our hotel.

Derrick paid for the fare and a bellhop boy came and took our luggage. Derrick and I walked in hand in hand to the reception to collect our door key. We giggled as we made our way to the door of our room after several long minutes in the elevator.

"Just wait till I get you inside." He growled in my ear as he pulled me inside. I laughed at him and froze.

The place was beautiful. It was large. All the outer walls were massive windows and the view of London was amazing.

"Welcome to London, Milady." Derrick smiled as he spoke with an English accent. I laughed at him and curtseyed.

"Why thank you gov." I mimicked the accent. His native accent had grew on me and I didn't realise till he pretended to be English.

As we waited for our luggage to arrive, we ordered room service and kicked our shoes off. The last thing we wanted to do was sit so I ventured around the penthouse.

I was so amazed by the experience I was in that I suddenly remembered I had to tell mum and dad plus Ellie that I landed safely.

I booted on my phone and after a couple minutes, I texted them then opened my instagram.

"What are you doing?" Derrick asked as he came in to the bedroom.

"Social media." I admitted as I waved the phone.

"Your not using your data are you?" Derrick asked but before I could answer he gave me a pamphlet. "Use the hotels WiFi."

I looked at the paper and turned my data off. I hooked up to the WiFi and thanked him from saving me a massive phone bill.

I instagramed the picture I took from the plane window hours ago and threw in a few hash tags then jumped on Facebook. I scrolled through my news feed catching up with what I missed in the past 24 hours.

Finally our luggage arrived when our dinner did. We sat and ate in peace, the fatigue and jet lag finally hitting us. I sipped on the wine until I had finished my dinner, poured myself another glass and stated I was going for a bath.

The bath tub was huge. More like a spa. I breathed in the steam as I sat on the edge,running the water. I soaked myself for a good twenty minutes before the thought of getting out crossed my mind. I dried myself and wrapped a soft fleece gown around me and went to find Derrick. The gown was loose and slipped off one shoulder as I stood against the door frame, watching the frown on his face.

Derrick looked up and saw me, forgetting about what he was doing. "Hey."

"Hey." I answered back. "I'm going to bed, care to join?" I purred as I turned around, going for the oversize king bed. Within seconds,Derrick was by my side, twirling me, kissing me, untying the knot in the gown.

"I'm so glad you came. This would be so dull without you."

I laughed at his remark. "So what is on the agenda for me tomorrow?"

"Well, I've paid a tourism company for you to meet at 8am sharp tomorrow morning to see the famous sights of London."

I raised an eyebrow. "Geezer your lips are loose." I teased. "Come on, tell me more." I sat on my knees as I waited for his reply.

"Can't it be a surprise for you?"

"Wait." I froze. "You said Canary Wharf, didn't you? For your interview?"

Derrick nodded. "I did. Whys that?"

My eyes widen as I jumped on the bed in excitement. "Can we go there the next day?"

Derrick laughed at me. "Why? What's there that's got you so excited?"

"You promise you won't laugh?"

"I don't know. It depends what it is." Derrick grinned at me as I sat back down.

I shrugged my shoulders at myself. I don't care of he laughs at me. "OK. There is a building I want to see at Canary Wharf. It's where they shot one of my favourite TV shows."

"You're into English TV shows?" Derrick asked with a lopsided grin.

"Don't mock me. It's a spin off from another show I love. So yes. I love BBC shows."

"Okay, spill. Tell me what it is because I can't think of any TV show that's English right now."

"The building I want to see is from Torch wood. It's a spin off from Doctor Who."

Derrick busted out laughing then groaned. "You're shitting me?"

I frowned at his choice of words. "No."

"I know the show, well the Doctor one. I've seen a few episodes over the years. I know what you people are called."

I gasped at him playfully. "Okay smart ass. What?"

"I'll tell you when I remember." I scrunched my nose up as he kissed me.

"So tomorrow?" I pulled back to the original question.

Derrick smiled and closed his eyes as he laid on the pillow.

"Big Ben?" I poked him playfully in the ribs. "Buckingham Palace? The tower of London? London eye? Come on, give me a hint." I giggled as I pecked his nose.

His arms then jumped into action as I squealed. Derrick drowned me in kisses as he came on top of me. "You will see tomorrow."

"Stop distracting me!" I laughed.

"If this is the only way to stop you from spoiling your surprise, then so be it."

I was lost in his touch as I wrapped my legs around his waist. All thoughts of tomorrow gone as Derrick helped me climb my climax.

Budding love in a foreign city.

Screw that, I'll be sight seeing every inch of the place, night or day lol

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I'm on twitter, I'm new to it so please follow me at ljmay4 and I'll follow you back, I promise.


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