Chapter 5

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It was Thursday morning and after Derrick's text for his address, I dropped Kayla off to school and went to Derrick's house.

I couldn't do this at the restaurant due to the construction. I pulled into a large property with a huge house.

I got out of my car with my desserts and walked to the front door. I needed to get this over and done with. I still had over 300 cookies to bake for the stall.

I knocked on the front door and Derrick opened it. "Come in." He spoke smoothly as he waited till I entered and closed the door.

I saw boxes and packaging on the kitchen table. I avoided Derrick's glare. I never answered his text from the other night. It's still in my head. Him asking if I was straight or not.

I placed down my little cake box and opened it. Derrick returned with some forks and placed them on the table.

"Try this." He demanded me. Derrick opened a box and inside was a pie. I took a fork full and smelt it. It smelt so good. I could see the rich gravy with the beef. I put it in my mouth.

"Tad salty." I murmured after swallowing.

"That's what I thought."

I got the after taste then. "It needs something. Maybe a small dash of pepper and," I licked my lips. "No. It's the Worcestershire Sauce. There is too much off it."

Derrick tried my pavlova. "This is good. Maybe swap the passionfruit puree with a runny mango sauce."

My heart leaped. He liked my pavlova! It was mums recipe and I twigged it a bit.

I nodded on agreement. "Sure. I also have my signature Devil Mud Bomb."

Derrick looked at me. "The name sounds dirty." I arched my eyebrows. Derrick frowned. "As in unclean." But he took a bite and he closed his eyes. "Oh. Wow. Is this your recipe?"

I nodded frantically. "It's a huge hit with some friends."

"This is the one. This is your signature dish."

I smiled broadly.

"But you can't make this outside of work."

My smile faded. "It's my main seller at the cake stall tomorrow. I wasn't even gonna bring some in, but I have 5 of them on my bench at home already purchased."

Matt frowned. The silence grew unsettled. "Alright. But that's it. No birthdays, no friends parties, no preorders."

"Yes, of course." I quickly agreed.

"What sauce would you think would suit this cake. Don't get me wrong, it's really good, but it needs a contrast colour for decoration."

I thought for a second. "Raspberry."

Derrick placed more cake on his fork and walked to me. "When was the last time you tried your own food?"

I smiled. "Honestly, it's been a while with that cake. I can feel it creating holes in my teeth as we speak."

Derrick laughed as he lifted the fork to my mouth. Awkwardly I opened my lips and let Derrick feed me. It's just as good as I remembered. I closed my eyes and cherished the small mouthful.

"You never answered my question."

My eyes fluttered open. A hint of a smile on Derrick's face.


"Yes. From my text from the other night."

I faked raking my brain. "Oh yes. That question." I saw the playful manner in Derrick's eyes.

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