Chapter 4

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Draco got bored long before dinner, but was afraid to leave his room for fear of running into Potter and being forced into another sexually charged conversation. He did want to see his Aunt and his cousin though, so he decided to test his luck.

He slipped silently from his room and noticed that Harry's door was still firmly shut, and Potter wasn't stalking him in the hallway. He went first to Teddy's door and knocked softly.

No one answered.

He tried again, slightly louder and still no one answered. He tried the knob and it was unlocked, so he twisted it gently and peeked in. The lights were off and no signs of life were visible in the small boy's room.

He walked toward the living room and over to the double French doors leading out into the backyard.

The back garden was as beautifully landscaped as the front had been. There was a small stone courtyard with a fountain in the center. The fountain was of a mermaid sitting on a rock pouring water into a pool from a large pitcher.

Around the fountain were heavy wooden benches with comfortable looking plush pillows. All around the courtyard could be found nearly any flower Draco could ever think of. In fact, loath as he was to admit it, the variety might even have rivaled that of the manor.

Tucked away down a path leading from the courtyard was a small cottage, just as Harry had told him. It matched the large house exactly, only on a smaller scale. Judging by its size, it probably only had a bedroom, living area and bathroom.

Draco walked up and knocked on the door, which had a wreath made of brilliant turquoise peacock feathers in its center.

Again, no one answered.

Draco knocked one last time and waited, but no answer came. He was starting to become frustrated. Had no one cared that he was staying in Potter's home? Did none of his family wish to visit with him?

At this point he might even be happy to have Harry's company.

He walked back into the main house and found it very quiet. He tiptoed into the kitchen and stole another bite of Harry's delicious pie and then started to wander. It seemed the house was empty; perhaps they had all gone into the village.

Draco strolled leisurely around the sitting room. It was very cozy with its oversized furniture and crackling fireplace. He sat by the front window for a moment watching a butterfly drift lazily over some flowers in the front garden.

Out of his peripheral he spotted the narrow stairs that had caught his attention when he came in and he ventured a glance up the passage. From the bottom of the stairs he could see a skylight and a couple of bookshelves.

He went up the staircase, excited to find something to read that would cure him of his boredom. Surely Harry wouldn't mind if he borrowed something.

The room was captivating. It was like being inside the hollow of a fairy tree. The rich wood all around him smelled like wisdom, and it was only enhanced by the fragrance of ancient scrolls and bound paper.

The shelves were actually carved into the walls, and lining each indention were gold inlays of ivy and flowers that trailed up the walls and against the framing of the skylight. The ceiling itself was an impressive thing, made of twenty individual angled panels, each with patterns of stained glass buried within them.

In the center of the room were a desk and chair as well as two additional armchairs and an end table. Scrolls littered the desk and Draco frowned. This must be Harry's study. He was suddenly a little jealous of Harry's happy little home.

"Like it?" came a low voice from behind the desk. Draco started and looked over to find Harry looking up at him from his desk chair, he only then realized it had been turned around to face the back wall when he had first come in. "I had this house built around this room," he said.

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