Chapter 7

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Harry was staring out the window of his study, his favorite place in the entire cottage, and taking slow deliberate bites of one of the chocolate raspberry torts he had made that afternoon. He was savoring the flavors of the coffee he had added into the mixture and noting that he should add a hint more raspberries to the batch next time, when he saw a pair of arctic eyes reflected in the window.

"Malfoy," he called in greeting.

"How in Merlin's name do you stay fit with the way you eat? Every time I turn around you're either eating something or cooking something," Draco lectured from the doorway.

"You think I'm fit?" Harry asked as he turned in his chair to face Malfoy, casually propping his feet up on the desk.

Draco rolled his eyes. "You know you're gorgeous. Not everyone warrants the cover of Witch Weekly, you know."

A subtle smile curled at the corners of Harry's mouth. "Yes, but that's different from you thinking I'm fit."

If he didn't know better Harry would have suspected the slight pink tingeing Draco's cheeks was a blush. "Well, you certainly aren't overweight, but you should be with everything you eat."

Harry shrugged. "I only eat this way during the summer. I'm too busy to cook while school is in session, plus, it's not as though I just sit about all day."

He knew that Draco had to have seen how active he was. He had been staying at Harry's house for nearly two weeks. In fact, students were set to arrive the following day, which meant no more attempts to change Draco's mind about a relationship. Harry had set that as his cut off. If he wasn't able to persuade the Slytherin by the day the students returned, he would give up.

Harry slid the plate piled with oozing chocolate goodness a few inches toward Draco, but kept the spoon in his own hand. "Would you like a bite?" he asked, licking a leftover remnant of raspberry from his finger.

Draco watched his with wide eyes and nodded slowly. "Yes... I mean... sure. This may be the last time I get to try your famous baked goods."

"That's true," Harry replied with a sage nod and dipped the spoon into the warm gooey mousse. He held the spoon up to Draco's mouth and smiled, waiting.

Draco took the bite, cleaning the spoon entirely with a quick flick of his tongue. His eyes fluttered closed as he ran the dessert across his pallet, a soft sigh of delight escaping his pink lips. "Perfect, as usual," he moaned at last.

Harry grinned and leaned over, rubbing his finger lightly at the corner of Draco's mouth, and putting it to his lips. Draco's eyes went wide at the motion. "You missed a bit of chocolate," he explained. "It would be a shame to waste it."

He had contemplated just licking it straight from Draco's face, but thought that might be too forward. He was still thinking about the potentially surprised look on the blonde's face if he were to do that, when he felt warm, soft and insistent lips on his own.

The flavor of coffee, chocolate and raspberry mixed with the inherent taste that was Draco, and swirled over his tongue. Places deep within him tightened with yearning as their mouths collided in a wet, artistic dance.

He flung a hand haphazardly into Draco's hair, marveling at the soft as silk texture of it between his fingers, and pulled him closer. Draco devoured his mouth, leaving no space free from his tongue's assault, eliciting deep guttural moans from Harry's throat.

When they finally broke apart, it was only to catch their breath. "Tell me you didn't feel that," Draco challenged.

Harry blinked, trying to clear his head. "I felt it, but that's the main problem between us."

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