Chapter 6

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Harry was in the back garden trimming back several flowering shrubs that had gotten a little out of control over the last few weeks, whistling a tune he couldn't seem to get out of his head. He knew Draco had put up a fuss the previous night over all the muggle music Harry made him endure, but he suspected Draco liked it more than he had let on.

He shook his head and smiled to himself. Draco was surprising and predictable all at once. His manner and tone hadn't changed much since they were children, he was still just as snide and sarcastic as ever, but there was a softer side of Draco that Harry hadn't noticed before he began staying in Harry's home.

Draco was obviously fond of Teddy, and respectful of Andromeda and at the same time, he was even pleasant to Harry. He should be, Harry supposed, since he was a guest in Harry's home, but he had shown a wandering interest in Harry's house, and his pastimes and even his hobbies that he didn't need to just because he was living there temporarily. Instead, he seemed genuinely curious about Harry.

The house was large enough that Draco hardly ever needed to see Harry if he didn't want to, yet he mysteriously showed up where Harry was quite often.

"Potter," Draco called from the doorway and Harry chuckled to himself at the Slytherin's timing.

"I was just thinking about you," Harry called back. He had decided, upon Draco coming to stay with him, that he would need to treat Malfoy like anyone else. He would be honest with him, and treat him with kindness where warranted and ignore him if need be if Draco started being rude. He had promised Draco the night before that he would back off about anything romantic between them, and he had, but he wouldn't do anything to stop Draco from seeking him out, nor would he lie about his feelings if the questions were asked.

"Were you? Do you often think about me, Potter?" Draco asked with a smug grin, coming to stand beside Harry and watching him curiously.

"I have been lately, yes," Harry replied with a grin, though really the smile was only for himself, because he didn't let himself look over in Draco's direction. He enjoyed the irritation oozing from the Slytherin's pores at Harry's lack of physical attention. Even though his words were laced with sugar, it didn't seem enough for the other man.

"Why are you doing all this without magic? You could have been done ages ago," Draco asked incredulously, waving at the row of plants he was manicuring.

Harry chuckled and kept pruning the leaves of a royal purple hydrangea. "I enjoy working with my hands. It relieves stress," he added.

"I know something else that relieves stress," Draco noted, shooting him a brief wink and nudging him lightly in the ribs.

Smiling brightly, Harry turned to give Draco the full weight of his gaze and was happy to see a small gasp forming on the other man's lips. "You mean, like cooking? I find that it also relieves stress," Harry replied, feigning innocence.

Draco rolled his eyes. "No, that's not what I meant at all."

Harry pretended to look confused. "Whatever could you mean then?"

Draco gaped at him and crossed his arms over his chest. "Sex, Potter. I was talking about sex."

"You want to have sex with uncle Harry?" came a slightly disgusted voice from the back door. Harry chuckled as Teddy came into view and looked at Draco like he had two heads. "Uncle Harry, did you know about this?" Teddy asked him.

"I had my suspicions. I'm very irresistible you know?" he replied to Teddy with a wink.

Teddy laughed and rolled his eyes. "I think you should hold out," he said with a smug grin. "At least make him buy you dinner or something."

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