Chapter 13

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Harry kissed Draco's perfect mouth, letting his tongue dip inside and taste him. He tasted of cinnamon and apples, as if the blonde had quality checked the pie that he had baked just for him.

Draco responded but kept his hands planted firmly at his sides, clearly not wanting to push Harry away again by being too bold. When Harry finally broke the kiss Draco sighed contentedly. "What was that for?" he asked.

"For offering to help me. It was a very sweet and selfless gesture and I appreciate it," Harry told him with a smile.

"Who said it was selfless? Maybe if I help you I'll get a reward" Draco replied playfully.

"Oh? And what kind of reward would you be expecting for your services?" Harry asked, his tone reflecting more humor than his heart felt. Yet again Draco seemed to be proving that he thought Harry only had sex to offer.

"Well... I'd need to keep staying here I think, even after my house is done," he mused. "Only to be able to monitor your progress closely, of course," he added hastily. "I wouldn't want you to think that I wanted to stay or anything."

Harry rolled his eyes but smiled in spite of himself. The pain from reigning in his magic still tingled through his skin, but Draco's words pleased him. Despite the Slytherin Professor's protests, Harry knew that part of Draco was as infatuated with him as he was with Draco.

"Any other payment you would require?" he asked.

Draco shrugged elegantly, quite the feat for someone still covered in flour, and smiled cheekily at Harry. "I'm sure I could think of something else if you pressed me."

Harry stood and offered his hand to Draco who took it at once. He was pleased to note the easy trust that settled over their friendship even from the start. Neither of them seemed to hold grudges about the past – they had been children, after all – and both seemed to see something in the other that made them perfect companions. Yet, Draco obviously still didn't want to acknowledge that there was more there than just a solid friendship and sexual tension.

There was much more than that, and Harry wanted to explore it, but he couldn't without Draco's permission, and Draco would only ever let Harry have the key to his body, not his heart. That much was clear.

"What is it about me that makes you say no?" he blurted, suddenly wanting a direct answer from the man who constantly evaded his questions.

"No to what?" Draco asked, looking slightly perplexed and slightly like he was buying himself time to answer.

"To us, to a relationship," Harry elaborated.

Draco sighed, dropped all eye contact and went back to cleaning the kitchen again. "I never said it was about you."

"I don't understand," Harry stated, walking up behind Draco, turning the man around to face him, and cupping his perfect jaw to force their eyes to meet.

"I would be rubbish for you. I would mess everything up. I would make you regret ever having

fancied me," Draco sighed. "It's all me."

Harry pulled him close, so that their noses were almost touching and their breath mingled together. Draco's chest rose rapidly and Harry ran his hands through his smooth flour dusted hair. "What if I didn't let you mess it up. Would you try?"

"I..." Draco began, the fear in his eyes making Harry want to kiss it all away.

"You can help me with my magic and I can help you with your relationship issues," Harry offered.

"And if I still mess it all up?" Draco asked, looking forlorn.

"And if my magic still gets out of control?" Harry countered.

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