Chapter 44- Moment of Truth

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Still some 14 months ago (point of reference is Chapter 39- The Party)

"Say that again, please," RJ requested as if he could not believe what he had just heard.

"I think I'm pregnant."


"What do you mean 'how'?" I asked with a frown. Is this guy for real? My feisty debater self wants to claw its way out again.

He raised his eyebrows and rubbed his temples. "I mean, what made you think that?"

"Because I'm delayed and I am hardly ever late!" I explained.

"You are?" He's inserting an unbalanced tag question in my first phrase to reiterate a point.

Wait. Is that a hint of smile I see traveling from his lips all the way up to his eyes?

My observation was cut short because he suddenly grabbed my hand to pull me into a tight embrace. I felt him kiss the top of my head.

"How long have you been delayed?" He asked in an almost whisper.

"Three weeks," I admitted as I wrapped my arms around him too.

"Three weeks!" He pulled away to look me in the eye but he still held me gently by the arms.

"Maine, I can't believe you let this go on for this long without telling me! You should be having medical check-ups. You should be taking prenatal vitamins. You should be drinking those mommy milk things!" he shot out in a rapid, spitfire speech.

"Wait a minute! Hold it tight there!"

But my interruption seemed to fall on deaf ears. RJ went on and on... "You should be exercising a little, buying maternity clothes, ensuring that you're healthy...."

"RJ!" I held his face to knock some semblance of calmness into him. I could tell he was just as nervous as me about this.

"I only realized I was delayed a week ago. But when it dawned on me that I was late, I started eating more fruits and vegetables. I targeted hitting the bed earlier so I could get eight hours of sleep. I'm avoiding caffeinated drinks and I'm staying away from smoke and pollution. I'm doing my best to take care of myself, ok?" I added feebly, "Of us...."

I continued, "But I haven't taken the test. I've bought a kit but I couldn't bring myself to do it."

I dropped on the sofa. "I'm scared RJ!" I whined, looking down on my lap to nervously rub my hands on my thighs.

He joined me on the sofa and for the second time tonight, pulled me in again for a tight embrace... a sideways hug this time.

We stayed like this for probably only a few minutes but it felt longer and it felt good. I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders because finally, I'm able to discuss this with someone... and it's with that someone who means the world to me. He is my best friend, my ally, my soul mate, and I hope, my partner in life forever.

"Maine," RJ called, breaking the emphatic silence that fell upon the entire living room. "Why don't you take the test now?"

"I'll do it tomorrow."

"Please love," RJ said in an almost pleading way, "do it now. The sooner we can confirm this, the better."

"It's better to do it first thing in the morning because the pregnancy hormones are more concentrated in the day's first pee. That way, we get a more accurate result," I explained.

He turned to look at me, impressed. "Wow, you have been doing research. Why don't we have dinner now so I can drive you home and you can rest?"

"But—," I started to argue.

"Let's use your car, shall we? I'll take an uber home. Or a bus. I really don't mind."

Knowing the Saturday road conditions, I nodded. I know that it's best to steer clear of stress and by him driving me home, I can hold on to his companionship for a little while longer.



"I love you."


"Finally. It's time, love."

I stirred some more on my bed then turned around to find RJ sitting on a lounge chair in my room. "Good morning. It's time. How many kits did you buy?" he asked. I just woke up, but I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Just one," I answered.

"Here are two more," he said as he shoved a little plastic bag in front of me.

"I don't think—"

"Maine, use at least two. Please? No more arguing?"

"I took the bag from his hand and proceeded to the toilet."

I locked the door and muttered, "Here it goes."


I stepped out from the toilet after 10 minutes of going in. RJ was sitting calmly, awaiting for my result.

"Negative." I couldn't see his reaction because my vision started to get blurred with tears. I collapsed on my bed and sobbed. I don't understand? Why am I crying like this?

RJ joined me on the bed to comfort me. It was then that I realized. I wanted it to be positive! I wanted that baby!

As my last sobs faded away, I suddenly worried that everyone in the house would think RJ and I were fighting when in truth, this was far from the case. "Where is everyone in the house?"

"No one could hear us, love. They all went to church... Maine, dress up, please. Let's get an expert opinion on this."

"My OB-GNY has no clinic on Sundays."

"We'll look for another one. You are still delayed, so it's best to have the situation professionally assessed. An ounce of prevention is better that a pound of cure. I'm a firm believer of this."


So, it's true. Stress can delay a menstrual period. This was the explanation of the doctor we consulted with this afternoon regarding my missed cycle. "Stress can affect your hypothalamus, which is the part of the brain that regulates your period. Stress can really throw off your hormones, so I recommend you practice some relaxation techniques."

As RJ drove back to my house, we were both relieved that at least the cause of delay was not something alarming like a chronic disease.

For the rest of the night, we decided to chill out in my room so we could talk and contemplate peacefully on the recent turn of events.

"Maine, I know you're all emotional and stuff, but what strikes me as intriguing is that you never cried prior to finding out that we are not pregnant. What gives?"

"I cried for our non-existent baby. I really thought there was another life growing in me already. I have been preparing myself, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally. Then it all went, poof!" I uttered the last word with a dramatic hand gesture, akin to a firecracker blowing up.

"Maine, I think we should..." RJ began but paused.

I finished it for him instead. "... abstain from sex."

But RJ spoke at the same time as I did "...get married."

"Huh?" We both turned to look at one another, bewildered at each other's bold suggestion.

A/N: No worries, they will get a little one sa tamang panahon. :)

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