Chapter 48- Meet the Faulkersons

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It was as if an internal alarm ticked off in my sub-consciousness. My eyes flew open and the first thing that caught my attention was how the sun was already happily showing its rays so brightly at this time of the day. My eyes then darted towards the radio clock.

Oh my God! Snappily, I sat up the bed.

"RJ! RJ! Wake up!" I shook his arm violently.

No answer. I grabbed his foot instead.

He gave a slight kick but said nothing.

Oh dear. This might seem a little harsh but I'm desperate so... this time, I kind of whacked his head with a pillow. "RJ!"

"Huh?" he whispered groggily.

"Sorry," I mumbled. "But I needed to wake you up! We overdid it with the snooze button."

"No, we didn't. Let's sleep some more," he suggested in a slurred manner then buried his face in the pillow.

"We are almost late in picking up your family at the airport." This did the trick. He hastily flailed his arms to untangle the blanket from his upper body. He looked at the hotel's clock and with a horrified expression, finally understood what I was trying to say. "Yes, we are practically late!" he exclaimed and stood up from the bed hurriedly, unmindful of his nakedness. He went straight to the connecting door to presumably do his morning preparations in his own room.

No time for 'harot' this morning. I thought as I myself, proceeded quickly to the bathroom.


"We are sorry we missed your graduation," RJ's dad, Richard Sr., greeted us the minute we met at the airport. "Nonetheless, we are very proud of you... of the two of you," added RJ's mom, Tita Rio. In New Zealand, the last school term ends in July. RJ and I marched in mid-June, which meant that Tito Richard and Angel were at the home stretch of their own respective schoolwork. They too, were probably neck-deep in academic requirements and this prevented them from attending our culmination rites.

"Ok lang po yun," RJ assured his folks. His parents, sister Angel, and us two are now having lunch at the airport. We all decided to try out the Mexican restaurant in Changi since we were an hour late in picking them up and it was nearly noon. It was embarrassing, considering it was the first time I'm meeting them face to face. We were supposed to collect them up at 10:30 but because of certain, ahem, activities last night, RJ and I overslept. Mercifully, they did not ask us to expound on why we were behind schedule. I'd never live that down. I couldn't just say "Kasi po, we missed each other so much that it took us all night to catch up." No way!

Still, I couldn't stop apologizing but being the cool parents that Tito Richard and Tita Rio were, they assured me that everything was fine. "We got the chance to roam around the airport and sample the shopping fare here," she pointed out while winking at me. She teased her husband about Singapore being a consumer's paradise and how she and Angel were going to binge shop on this trip.

Angel is now 14 and already taller than me. I've only met RJ's other siblings, RD and Rizza, online but I think it's Angel who resembles him the most. Just like RJ, she is slim, very fair-skinned, and exhibits mestizo features.

Despite the initial adolescent challenges she went through, she is turning out to be a well-adjusted and happy teenager. "How's your summer, so far?" I asked, attempting to make small talk. "Great! I can't wait to get together with my friends. And with my other relatives. But first, I have to go shopping here," she added, giving her dad the side eye. We all chucked at this. "Do you have a special friend back home?" I teased. "Hoy, hoy. Anu 'yang tanung na yan?" This time around, the air got filled with full-on laughter. RJ is such a protective brother, as typically expected from an older sibling.

Our orders arrived, so we all concentrated on getting the first bites. Hmmm. What other topics can I talk about with Angel? It's because I love hearing her fabulous accent, I thought playfully as I savored my spicy chicken burrito.


The Red Route of the Hop On Hop Off Bus offers more sights compared to the Yellow Tour that RJ and I opted for yesterday. We all got off in Chinatown to do the walking tour. Here, we got the glimpse of Singapore's history, from its beginnings as a trading post to its emergence as an Asian powerhouse and finally, to its status now as one of the most progressive countries in the world.

With the exception of RJ, it was the Faulkersons' first visit to this city state. And I could tell they are having a grand, marvelous time since it's their first overseas vacation since leaving the Philippines.

During dinner, they couldn't help but probe RJ and I about our once-upon-a-time business trip here.

"So, you both covered the ASEAN Summit here," Tita Rio mentioned.

"Yes po. Dito po ako unang niligawan ni Maine," RJ deadpanned.

"Excuse me!" I protested vehemently, to which the whole family chuckled.

RJ just grinned at me. "Okay. I'll be serious now. I've always liked Maine, but I had to be extra careful since we both held the same position in rival companies."

"So what did you to win Ate Maine's heart?" asked Angel.

"Just by being my wonderful, old self."

"Kapal!" I joked.

"Okay, Angel. Being the teenager that you are, I'm telling you this now. Find a guy who is trustworthy. This is what I did with Maine. Little by little, I gained her trust. And I did not break this trust. I showed her that I was sincere in winning her heart and I wasn't after personal gain. I did not get close to her to spy on her articles or for any other reasons related to career advancement. In fact, I respect her life goals, in the same way that she respects mine," RJ mentioned this last bit while looking at me.

I just had to add this. "This is true. We might be a couple but we have never lost our individualities. In the first place, it is what attracted us to each other."

"Oh, bless your hearts, young ones. Such warm words of wisdom to take heed, Angel," Tita Rio said to her youngest child, as she placed her palm on her chest, near the heart.

Tito Richard then commented, "I've said this morning and I'll say it again. I'm proud of the two of you and I know you'll continue to make me proud of your future selves."

RJ and I grinned, then he spoke. "Mom and Dad, speaking of the future... I think it's about time I pay rent for living in the townhouse. I'm done with school and next week, I'm starting full time work in the law firm. I think it's only fair to you both and to my siblings that I pay for my stay there."

"Son, there is no need."

'Dad, I insist. You already paid for my law school. It's about time for me to give back. I make enough profit from the money you bequeath me. And I got a decent employee package from the law firm. Combined together, that's too much money for a 28-year-old."

Tita Rio added, "It was your choice to invest your inheritance and we are beyond happy that it's paying off. But RJ, let me assure you. You staying in the townhouse for free is not a problem with us, nor is it an issue with your brother and sisters."

The talk was getting too deep into family affairs that I butted in. "I think I want to walk around outside for some fresh air," then I started to get up from my seat.

"No, Maine. Please stay," RJ requested as he held on to my hand really tight.

"Yes, please stay Maine. You're family to us now," said Tita Rio.

Tito Richard spoke with finality. "It's better that you save this 'supposed rent money' on something else. If you decide to get your own place, I won't stop you but as long as are in the townhouse, you can stay for free, always. Then he added, "you and Maine."

I was taken aback by this last phrase and I honestly didn't know how to respond to it. So to be on the safe side, I just nodded and smiled.

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