Escape Pt 2

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Seconds later they were outside, sprinting, dodging and fighting their way through all the chaos. Pastel coloured smoke bombs were thrown randomly into the air.

It was a diversion, Lydia realized, the people rescuing her didn't want to fight. They wanted nothing more than to save their friend and get the hell out of there.

However, running was not Lydia's strong point. Every step she took she feard she'd collapse and fall.

She had only 'learnt' how to walk yesterday and even then Harry had only ever dragged her around. Not to mention her body was already in pain from last night's incident...

"Jay!" A purple haired girl, Lydia guessed this was Mal, being the only one of the four Gil had mentioned whom she hadn't seen.

"Go start the car, we'll meet you guys there!" With that said she was off again, projecting clouds of colours at the pirates.

He nodded without a second thought, "Ben, Come on, lets go!" He yelled, spotting the king trying to fight his way through towards them.

Lydia sighed in relief when she saw him, knowing how ready Harry had been to kill him. It seemed his hands had been released of his bonds and as he pushed past the pirate facing him, he was finally running beside them.

"You okay?" He asked her, smiling.

She nodded. "I'm just glad you are."

They were almost at the end of the docks when a sword came out of nowhere, blocking their path. "HIYA!"

Lydia locked eyes with Harry. Her eyes widened at the sight of him. He was soaked, eyes smeared with black, dark hair dripping onto his crimson jacket and onto the floor. He looked even more deranged than usual.

One touch from him and she'd have a tail again. He had succesfully recovered his hook, she noticed as he gestured it towards her new friends.

She expected him to let out a snarky remark about her escaping him, however he wasn't in the mood to chat.

He went to grab her, getting a harsh, wet grip on her forearm, only to have Ben shove him away angrily, surprising everyone of his strength, causing him to loose his balance and fall, bashing his head on the ground. It was now or never. "Lets go!" Jay shouted.

"Uh, Jay?" Ben's eyes were wide with shock and amazement as he looked down.

When Jay looked down, his eyes too almost popped out of his head. Obviously Ben didn't exactly have time to warn him of her species. "Well, that's convienant." He stated, not so helpfully. "Now what? Ben?"

Lydia sighed in annoyance, glancing at her wounded tail, the pain from her removed scales slowly returning. She looked around worridly, hoping no one else could see her.

"I dunno... We'll have to carry her." He guessed, stating the obvious.

Her fins were only inches away from Harry. If they waited much longer it'd all be over.

"Guys?!" She whimpered desperatly, watching him clutch his hook tighter. He turned his head towards her and grinned.

Ben and Jay grabbed her forearms and pulled her away from him. However Harry's reflexes were quicker and faster than Ben or Jay's and in this case, painful for the mermaid. He stuck his hook into her fin, only tearing it slightly, unable to hold her in place.

"Yer gonna regret running from me." He seethed.

She made no sound, biting hard on to her lip to make sure she didn't draw too much attention to herlself. Thankfully, most of her tail was covered with the dress she'd been wearning.

"Hey!" Carlos yelled, it was the first time she heard him talk. Yesterday he hadn't uttered a word as though he had been beyond terrified of Harry.

But right then and there, he whacked him hard across the head with a piece of wood, knocking him out cold.

Despite her own agony, she couldn't help but feel slightly satisfied from watching the look of pain on Harry's face as he felt the blow.

The blue haired girl, Evie appeared from behind him. "We've got to go! Now!"

Soon the whole 'rescue team' and Lydia, whom was carried out of the docks, over a not so sturdy wooden bridge, while Evie and Mal continued distracting the remaining pirates with their bombs.

They stopped running when they reached a black limo. "Quick! Put put her in the back." Mal urged, opening the car door for them.

Soon enough they were all cramped inside, Jay at the wheel, Lydia's still bleeding tail taking up a lot of the room in the back. It was only when they crossed the barrier that it finally sunk in.

"You saved me." She looked up them all greatfully. "I-If it wasn't for you, I'd be... Harry would'v-" She didn't really know what to say, the adrelaline she felt escaping like that was getting to her head.

Evie squeezed her hand comfortingly. "You don't have to think about him anymore. You're free now!" She beamed. "He can't get to you."

"Thank you!" Lydia smiled, a tiny voice at the back of her head however was not convinced. The damage had already been done. He still had ten of her scales. He won't be able to free the isle. But ten scales... That wasn't nothing.

It was far from over.


Ok sorry its taking a while to update. Been busy with school. And my laptop isnt working so i have to write with my phone and its not very practical. But when i get the chance i will update more. (May even make a few detailed changes of previous chapters)

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