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It wasn't fun, dancing with him. Not that she expected it to be. Even as she closed her eyes, imagining her first dance being with someone else. Anyone else. Yet, no matter how hard she tried it felt like every step she took was a step closer to Auradon's end.

"I thought I told you to smile." He sneered into her ear quietly, his aggravated words sending shivers all over her body.

However, Lydia wouldn't give him the satisfacton. She had done everything else. She had kept her mouth shut as he hauled her to the ship, which goes without saying; was in much better shape than his own. A ship designed especially for this kind of light hearted occasion.

Now they'd finished preparing the whole ship the lights were dimmed slightly, fairy lights scattered a little all over the place. Needless to say that it was a beautiful sight. In any other situation it would seem almost romantic.  But sadly, it wasn't that sort of setting.

Sure people were laughing and as happy as they'd been pretty much all day. Lydia herself was dancing as you know, however dancing with the devil all the while betraying the few friends she had was a predicament she didn't want to be in.

So she wouldn't smile. He couldn't control her emotions. So they danced for a few minutes which in her breaking world now seemed like an eternity, ever so slowly making they're way towards the famous fairy godmother. 

Before long, they were standing at arms reach from her. Hardly noticing it at the time, the woman hadn't been at all what Lydia had expected. Of course, having lived around the isle, she always exepcted the worst, which probably explained why she'd thought that this famous person would be taller and maybe even a little menacing.

However, she was merely just a middle aged woman who seemed harmless in every sense of the term. A woman so sweet, kind and deserving of the Auradon life. All this seemed to pass her by the moment she caught a glimpse at the back of Carlos's head. He was walking away with a brunette girl hand in hand. Lydia tensed. All she had to do was scream. If her new ally saw Harry then maybe then it would all be over for him.

So why didn't she? What was she so afraid of? Just one sound. That's all it would take and Auradon would be safe again. She snapped, then and there at the sight of a friend. A friend who could be in danger. That's when she realized they all were. Everyone on this boat were at risk and she was the only one who knew it. Nothing was holding her back now. She glanced up at Harry, who for once wasn't looking at her. Instead his gaze rested upon his next target. The wand in fairy godmother's hand.

By the time Lydia had plucked up the courage to scream, she was too little too late. For at that same moment, Ben's arrival was being announced by a loud instrument Lydia had never even heard of before. The lights flickered on from where he stood, following him down the steps with a figure Lydia recognized immediatly. The noise and applauds from the audiance cut off her cry for help, the sound ringing in her ears. 

The cheering ceased when they saw Uma's arm locked with Ben's, and Harry's grip tightened as he sneered into his captive's ear, pulling her an inch closer to him. Typical how everyone else hadn't noticed her scream except him. "You'll regret that later on."

Now everyone's head was turned and Harry used that opportunity to clasp his hand over her mouth, keeping her from squealing again.

She frowned, how on earth had no one heard her?! Sure this had been such a huge shock for just about everyone but she could have sworn that her plea for help had been louder than a little music and clapping. Sure a few heads turned but after understanding that the new arrival had come from the isle. They paid no mind.

Being too far back, they hardly heard much of what was going on, but whatever it was; it surley wasn't for the good of this kingdom. 

"I have an announcement!" Ben yelled from the dying chaos. "Uma will be joining the court tonight as my lady." Lydia frowned saldy, she dreaded to think what Mal was thinking, having no idea that Ben was under her spell. "Uh, so as my gift to her, I'm bringing down the barrier once and for all!"

While everyone was distracted with the news Harry chose that moment to act. "One sound and I'll slit her throat instead." He growled before removing his hand from her face. Swiftly yet stealthily he began reaching for the wand. Lydia too, decided it time to act, pulling him away like a clingy child. He quickly turned to face, eyes full of fury, startling her. "Now is really not the time te start fighting back lassy!" He growled angrily. "Ye think just 'cause I left me hook ye can take me on, ey?"

She shrugged, shaking as she glanced behind him, where she could visibly see his target walking away towards the other catastrophie taking place. Lydia nodded, much to his surprise and anger. She thought he'd hit her, make a scene. At least, for once that's what she'd hoped, maybe it was the only way to get anyone's attention. Instead, he simply shrugged. "Good thing for you, we're only here in case our first plan fails."

Her stomach churned. What did this mean? It seemed Harry's dark, lustfull and arrogant mind wasn't as stupid as she orignally thought. "Fairy Godmother!" Ben exclaimed when he saw her. "Bring down the barrier." He ordered.

Lydia couldn't hear despite the now dead silence throughout the onlookers. She was simply too far back. That and Harry's grip on her seemed to tighten painfully with every moment, making it hard to focus. 

As the arguing began, Harry slowly began to walk away, tugging Lydia along with him. "It's time ol' Boredon learnt a lesson." He sneered.

"No." Lydia whimpered, dreading what he would do. 

She glanced over towards where fairy godmother was now standing. To her shock and horror, she noticed Uma had the wand now. So that had been their plan all along? Make the corrupted king do all the dirty work by giving Uma the wand? But something told her that wasn't all. Harry was up to something a little more sinister than just brining down some stupid barrier.

However, before Harry had dragged her off the ship, she noticed a bright green smoke coming from someone else in the crowd. It was Mal. Lydia smiled. It seemed Auradon wouldn't go down without a fight after all.

Soon enough the noises got fainter and fainter until it was just her and Harry once again. She struggled the whole way, until they were out of eye and ear shot. Then smack! She found herself on the ground once again, landing on her carved arm now bleeding again with a burning cheek.

"Ye've no idea how much I've wanted te do that tonight!" Harry sneered.

Lydia glared at him angrily. "What are you gonna do? If the wand wasn't your main plan?" 

Harry shrugged. "Oh, it was the main plan." He stated. "I was just there in case Uma failed to get it. But she did, so moving on to part two!" He didn't even attempt to hide the glee in his voice, clearly stating that his plan was going much better than he'd hoped for. 

"So, now what?" She asked, all but anxiously.

He gestured to Ben's castle. Auradon's main kingdom. "Now, we burn it down."

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