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Lydia looked like a princess. No one would have thought that the frail weak girl from that morning could have turned into such a confident and beautiful young woman. 

"You look great!" Evie gleamed, admiring her good work. 

Lydia saw her reflection and couldn't help but smile. She had never worn anything like this in her life. The only clothes she had worn before were the ones Harry gave her. 

But now she wore a gown, its forest green skirt reaching down to her toes, flowing like ripples in the water. It wasn't too fancy or revealing despite the top being made out of fine lace. 

Needless to say that it suited her, bringing out her green eyes and contrasting beautifully with her ivory complexion. Her hair was arranged in a large bun on her head, with strands dangling in pretty waterfall curls down her face. 

"Thank you so much." Lydia reacted. 

It was Mal's turn to get dressed now, and Lydia really had to find Ben before the ball. She wanted to thank him so much for being there for her when she was hurting.

So after asking her new friends for directions, Lydia made it down the hall and up the stairs until she found his office door. Although, she sensed something was off. 

She knocked slowly. "Wait don't! It could be anyo-" a familiar and unexpected voice exclaimed from inside. Lydia panicked and was about to run off and call for help but she was too slow.

The door opened, revealing a face she had hoped never to see again. Her stomach dropped. "Well, well, well... Just the girl I wanted te see!" Harry's grin startled her, but she soon recovered, just as she took one step away, he grabbed her wrist and dragged her inside, closing, then locking the door behind them.

She thought she was free before. Now she was pulled from that fantasy, locked in his grip, shaking in fear. The shock had her paralysed, allowing Harry to easily manhandle her.

Uma was leaning against the wall, wearing a long turquoise gown, her hair all done up in a tight bun on her head with a serious yet excited glint in her eyes. She was beautiful. It certainly made a change from her casual Isle clothes.

Ben was tied to a chair, gagged and staring at her, terrified. "Have a seat!" Harry sneered, pushing her shoulders down and forcing her to sit as Uma went to tie her up. 

"Don' you look lovely?" Harry noticed. "All dolled up for me, ey?"

"Wh-How... Did you...?" Lydia stammered, her heart pounding in anticipation. Then the realisation hit her. It was her fault... 

"Yer lucky yer scales bought us here." Harry started, hands squeezing her shoulders painfully as he leaned down to whisper in her ear from behind.

"I might even be merciful when I tear that ol' boredon dress off of yer tiny body... But of course," He looked up at Ben for a second, standing up straight and walking around the room, pacing. "That'll have te wait... First we're gonna take yer precious kingdom."

"Th-this is all my fault..." Lydia looked up at Ben, tears streaming down her eyes. "I'm so sorry."

He shook his head vigoursly, his words coming out in muffled mummers. "It-wumpfhn't your phulpght!"

Harry chuckled, ignoring Ben completly. "Ye will be." He knelt down to her level, hook against her cheek. "Ye ran away from me, lass... Ye know what that means, hm?" 

She did. She remembered all too well. He'd promised to break both of her legs if she ever dared run from him again. "Please..."

His voice got louder and angrier with every word, to the point where Uma had to calm him down by pulling him slightly back from her. "I warned ye what I'd do, ey? I said ye'd regret it," he stood up abruptly and kicked her chair to the floor, causing her to fall painfully on her back.

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