33. Fear to loose him again

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Swara was in room with Arshit and playing with him. She sees the time. It was 9:00 p.m now and Sanskar didn't come till now. She gets worried. A sudden panicked raised in her heart. It's not sudden. She was feeling this restless since evening like something is wrong and as the time passed, her fear also kept on rising. She tried to control herself but couldn't. So, she took Arshit in her arms and went downstairs.

Ap and Sujatha were sitting in hall. Dp and RP were also Present there. Ragini and Uttara were in their respective rooms.

Ap sees Swara and said: Swara beta.

Swara went to her and gave a fake smile. Ap noticed that she is worried for something.

Ap: What happened beta? Why are you restless?

Swara thought to ask her.

Swara: (sign) Sanskar has still not come yet. It's too late.

Ap (smile): It's ok beta. He will come. Laksh also didn't come till now. They must be together only. May be busy in some work. Don't worry they will come soon. You come sit here with me.

Swara nodded and sat beside AP.
Swara was convinced in her mind but her heart is not ready to accept it. She wanted to see Sanskar at that moment in front of her eyes that he is fine. This is the only thing her heart is yelling that he should be fine but she was getting only getting negative vibes.

Ap sees Swara still immersed in her thoughts so she said.

Ap: (to Dp) ji, I am also thinking it's getting late. Why don't you call them?

Dp: Hmm... I think you are right.

Dp called Sanskar but it was showing switched off.

Dp; Sanskar's phone is switched off.

Swara heart beats raised.

Rp: I will call Laksh.

He called Laksh. Laksh also didn't pick up the call but before he redial he got call from Laksh.

Other side,
Laksh was driving fast to reach hospital. He was feeling devastated to see his brother who was bleeding badly. He was crying but still try to control himself and talking to unconscious Sanskar to wake him up.

Laksh (crying) : Bhai, bhai, open your eyes Bhai. You will be alright. We are reaching hospital Bhai.

But Sanskar didn't show any movement.

Laksh fastly drove and reached hospital. Once he reached, he called out the wardboys. They reached and made Sanskar lay on the Stretcher. Laksh was constantly shouting for help and calling doctors.

The doctor came. Doctor already knew maheshwari family. He sees Sanskar and instantly ordered nurse to prepare for operation.

Doc: Nurse, fastly prepare operation theatre. We have to operate him. We don't have much time.

Laksh: Doctor please make my brother fine.

Doc: Don't worry  Mr maheshwari. He will be fine.

Sanskar was taken to operation theatre. Laksh was standing outside. A Nurse came to him and asked to sign on some papers. He signed on the document. Then suddenly something strike in his mind. He search for his phone but he couldn't find it then a ward boy came to him and said: Sir, here is your phone. You had dropped it when u were coming here.

Laksh: Thanks.

Staff guy nodded and went from there.

Laksh sees Ram calling but before he could pick up, the call cut. So, he call him back.

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