UndescribedMale x Nyctophobic!Reader

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Nyctophobia: The fear of night or darkness.
    Also called: scotophobia, lygophobia or achluophobia.
    "Nuktos" from Greek meaning "night" or "darkness," and "phobos" from Greek meaning "intense fear or terror."

   The point of this is to give readers a look at what nyctophobia is like while also holding their interest and keeping them entertained.

    Safe for nyctophobics to read.👍

    The boy is not described for the purpose of making him look however you want. The original point was to imagine the boy as your boyfriend, but if you don't have one/are in an abusive relationship and do not trust him, you can use anyone you'd like.

    Your entire world was about to fall apart.

    Your parents are gone on vacation for a month, which was fine. You're used to be alone, as they go on vacations a lot, and you prefer to stay home by yourself to be able to stay up as late, watch and listen to whatever you wanted. It's not that you watched or listened to bad shows or songs, but you just felt uncomfortable with the "where did you hear of this?" questions. They felt like invading questions, nosy questions.
    However, your world began to crack when the power went out.
    Thankfully, it was during the afternoon. It startled you, everything going dark all of sudden with that pewww sound of the TV shutting down improperly from the sudden cut of electricity.
    At first, you were angry. You had been watching a very interesting episode of (favorite TV show/anime) and things were just getting to the good part.
    Then, as the power stayed out for more than 5 minutes, you began to grow nervous. You called your parents. They said to call the power company and report the power outage. You did. Unfortunately, it would be a few days before the power would be back on.
    Your world lost a small chunk.
    Your close friends were both also on vacations of their own; one camping and one visiting (famous big city).
    Another, bigger chunk broke off.
    You paced about, worrying about what to do. You wouldn't be able to live without power for a few days. You didn't know where the generator was and were very distrustful of candles thanks to accidentally setting your house on fire with one when you little. Thankfully is wasn't too big, but it was enough to ruin candles for you.
    The food wasn't the problem- you could easily find ways to make meals without electricity. The internet wasn't the problem- though like most teens you quite enjoyed your (favorite internet-based things), and would go through a small withdrawal from the lack of.
    No, no. None of those were the problem.
    The problem was the darkness.
    The gaping black hole mouth, an abyss that had no bottom, no end. You couldn't see a thing, but you could feel. Oh, you could feel it all.
    You could feel the eyes of the invisible monsters that lurk in the unknown and only awaken when there is no light to keep them at bay, to keep you safe.
    The monsters that no matter where you went, you couldn't escape them, as the followed you. The monsters that were so horrible, you couldn't stand not being able to make sure your surroundings were safely lit.
    The monsters that only you could feel stare hungrily at you, sizing you up and checking you out. The monsters that awoke the very second everything became pitch black. The monsters that tortured you with the never knowing of when they'll attack, never knowing if you were truly alone.
    The monsters that only existed in your mind. They haunted you. They only left you in peace when you had a living soul next to you or were engulfed in light.
    They filled you with anxiety, with terror. They caressed your legs with cold, thin, bony fingers. They they sunk their long fangs into your neck and let their venom flow through your body until you felt like you would die if you didn't get light.
    Yes, the darkness. The darkness was the problem. Not just a simple shadow, no. The darkness that comes from the lack of light, lack of safety.
    You couldn't survive one day without the power, for the darkness loomed up behind you as tall as a tree, tampering with your emotions and your mind, like a cat toying with the helpless mouse it had caught, injuring it just enough to keep it from escaping, but letting it run and think it could finally be free before dealing another massively damaging, but not fatal, blow.
    The darkness was going to consume you. It was going to eat you alive. You wouldn't survive the darkness. Not alone. You stood absolutely no chance against the mental abuse it showered over you.
    But everyone you trusted was gone. No one could help you. No one could save you.
    Your world was shattered, the pieces floating aimlessly through space; cold and alone, in darkness.

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