Avian!Prussia x Reader (Pt. 2)

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Update notes:
Fixed formatting, spelling errors, and added missing translations

Update notes 2:
Fixed incorrectly spelled name and formatting errors

//Author's Note:

    This is long over due, forgive me! I was writing this solely on my phone, and after the word count reaches a certain amount on any writing program, my phone begins to lag, and even sometimes deletes words only to replace them halfway through the previous word again when I backspace to rewrite them. Autocorrect also quits working part of the time. So I've been procrastinating writing due to these frustrating problems as well as the fact I wasn't sure how to end it but definitely wanted it over 3,500 words. Finally, here it is! The last story to be written will be an infatuated 2P Italy x reader.
  End Author's Note//

    Panicking, I flew down to the forest floor and began to sniff around. I caught scent of her and several other humans, and guilt rushed through my veins.

    "It's all my fault," I murmured. "If I had gone around in a circle like normal, they wouldn't have followed me here and taken (Name) away!"

    Quickly, I went back up to my nest and sniffed and looked around. The remaining bones I had left were gone, as well as several feathers, my gifts to. (Name), and of course, my mate.

    Distraught, I threw my head back and shrieked loud and shrill, sounding the alarm that something severely bad has happened.

    Immediately after, I began to tear up my nest. I scattered all the leaves, moss, and branches all around the forest floor.

    "What happened?!" shouted my brother, who had gotten here first due to being nested closest to me. He was perched on one of the branches I had built my nest on. "Where is (Name)?"

    "It's all my fault!" I screamed. "I wasn't careful getting (Name) food and led them right to my nest! They've taken her!"

    Other Avians began to land and perch in nearby trees. Several asked what happened, and Ludwig filled them in. My friends Francis, Bertram*, Alfred, and Antonio all helped me to dispose of my feathers and any other evidence of my nest. Once that was finished, all who remained was them and my brother.

    "I'm going after her," I told them.

    "That's a very stupid idea," my brother said. "You could be captured or killed! I can't stand to lose you..."

    "I know," I said, hugging him tightly. "But (Name) is my new mate, whether she loves me or not. I will do whatever it takes to get her back and keep her safe. Even if that means risking capture or death."

    "Then I'm coming with you," Ludwig decided.

    "Nein," I said quickly. "If you get killed or captured, who will lead the flock? Bruder, you must stay here."

    "We'll go with him," volunteered Berntram. "We'll keep your brother safe, right guys?"

    Alfred, Francis and Antonio all shouted their agreement.

    With a sigh, Luwdig agreed. "Alright. But I'm moving the flock. It's not safe here anymore."

    "I understand," I replied. "Just leave us a clue as to where you're headed, and we'll come find you once we've gotten my mate."

    "Alright, I will. I'll leave some sticks or rocks in an arrow pointing the direction we head. I'll make sure to leave a feather wherever we stopped to rest, and have an another arrow pointing out the way we went."

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