Infatuated!2P Italy x Reader - Dinner Date

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Edit notes:
Fixed some errors and added/removed/changed words/sentences.

dit Notes 2:
Fixed named and Italian phrases.


    "Come on, just come over! You know you want to, mia cara~"

    "No, Luciano," you said nervously, hoping the Italian man couldn't hear your voice shake over the phone. "I-I can't. I'm busy."

    "Tomorrow?" Luciano asked seductively.

    "No, busy," you replied.

    "The day after tomorrow?" Luciano tried again, sounding a little more annoyed.

    "St-still busy," you squeaked into the phone receiver.

    "You know," Luciano said slowly, his voice lowering. "It almost sounds as if you are lying to me... Do you know what happens to people when they lie to me?"

    "Th-they g-get t-turned into p-p-p-pasta sauce?" you whimpered, shaking so hard you worried your cellphone would fall out of your hand.

    "Corretta," Luciano praised, his voice full of danger. "So you know it would be unwise to lie to me then, sì?"

    "Yes sir," you said.

    "So, are you busy tomorrow?" Luciano asked, his voice returned to normal.

     You didn't respond. You didn't know how to respond. If you told him yes, he'd know you were lying. If you told him no, he'd say there's no reason for you not to come over and hang out with him.

    "I-I need to go, Luciano," you said quickly, immediately hanging up the phone before he could respond. You knew hanging up on Luciano could get you in some serious trouble, but at the moment you were too afraid of how the conversation was going to think of the consequences of hanging up on Luciano Vargas, the infamous Italian mafia don, who you happened to catch the eye of and couldn't seem to escape without a death threat to someone you love if you told the police.

    Your smart phone vibrated, and with a sinking feeling in your gut you checked the screen to find a text from the very man you had just hung up on.

    "Hey now (Name)," the text read. "That was really rude and uncalled for. By the way, I'll see you at my house tomorrow at 5. Or, at yours at 6. Your choice. ;)"

    With a groan you gently tossed the phone onto the coffee table before massaging and rubbing your face in fear.

    "Okay, (Name)," you said to yourself, "Just think of something to do tomorrow evening so you can get out of meeting with that psychopath."

    Your cellphone vibrated again; another text from Luciano.

    "Oh, and by the way.......I just might have to drop by Feliciano's place on my way to your house, if you don't show up. Perhaps he could help me create dinner, if you get my drift..."

    Furious and horrified, you texted back, "I hate it when you threaten Feli."

    "Come with me willingly and I wouldn't have to," was all the rough Italian replied with.

    "What should I wear?"

    "Whatever you want. Flavio will be out, so there will be no one to hate on your fashion or outfit choice."

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