Author's Note.

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So, about this.
I know I haven't done the best at editing it, and I've tried to make you guys understand that I have a very limited time on here to update. Every time I get on here, I update Dark for you. I don't have time to do anything else. 
I have put my other stories on hold so I can get this finished for you, because I know a lot of you guys enjoy it, and that's fine by me! You want me to keep updating this? I will. End of.
However, I need some of you to know that I really, really, really do not have time to fine tune everything, and I don't apreciate the certain people who whine and bitch and moan about how much I've missed out.
No, I do not mind you casually pointing out the little 'tid bits' that I missed out, but please. Please stop with the 'You should really edit this better!' 'You really need to get better at editing.' and the shlur of comments that are rude. I do read those, you know. I read all of them.

Back to what I was saying. On the last chapter, yetanotherwrite graciously asked if I needed help editing. Thanks to her, you should be getting better chapters in terms of editing and fine tuning everything. I'm so thankful to her. Not only will it make me feel better about uploading and hopefully you'll be happy about the content.

Anyway, that's all I wanted to say.

New chapter will be up either tomorrow or Thursday, so you can look forward to that.

Thanks for listening, guys. Hopefully most of you read this.

Tata for now, lovelies.

Dark. (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now