Chapter 02

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The first ray of morning sunshine spilled into the bedroom through the windowpane, illuminating the frosty face of a sleeping man.

He had a very handsome face, tall, straight nose with thin lips gave a sexy charm to his mature facial features. However, that face was too cold, even in sleep, his expression was tight and stiff, as if layered by a coat of glue.

Even the morning sun couldn't breathe a breath of warmth into his body.

The man's pale fingers gripped tightly onto the quilt, so firm that the blue veins on the back of his hands popped out. He was gently frowning, his lips bitten by a row of straight teeth, apparently troubled by the monsters haunting his dreams.

Suddenly, the shrill rattle of an alarm clock interrupted the tranquility of the room, startling An Luo awake.

He eyed the clock on the wall: 7AM–there was an important meeting in the company he must attend. An Luo rubbed his aching temples and sat up in his pajamas. Quickly, he rushed to the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face, washing away the demons of last night.

He reached for the black clothes on the hanger, meticulously putting them on and fastening the buttons, then did his tie. After the whole ordeal, his appearance was transformed to that of an elite businessman.

In the mirror was a young and handsome man that was bursting with life. No one would associate him to the lonely figure smoking by the windows in the middle of the night.

An Luo watched his reflection fixing his shirt collar, then turned around and walked to the dining room.

His brother was already there reading the newspapers. While biting into a piece of bread, there was a slight smile on his face, adorning the room with a warm, homey feeling. The sun shone from the window and casted upon him, giving a dazzling effect.

After so many years have passed, An Luo thought he would at peace with himself, but every time he saw the man, his heart couldn't help tightening. It had became an uncontrollable reflex, a habit and instinct.

He stood in silence for a moment, then dropped his eyes. Sucking in a breath, he opened with, "Gege, you're early."

An Yang raised his head and smiled at him. "An Luo, come eat breakfast."

His feet took him to the table and he sat down, taking his prepared bread and dipping it into the sauce before biting it–the bread was deliciously baked and the milk was warmed just right. His brother was naturally a very caring person, but some of that care disappeared the day Su Zihang died.

Thinking of Su Zihang, a burst of pain exploded in An Luo's heart. He hurried to press the thoughts back down into the abyss of his mind.

As the atmosphere was too awkward, An Luo thought of a topic to talk about: "Gege, what are you reading in the news?"

An Yang smiled and handed the newspaper over. He pointed to the title and said, "Shao Rong and his father joined the research on organ transplantation, he even gave a speech about it at the London Medical Association. That child is quite promising."

Shao Rong, as mentioned by An Yang, was their nephew. His father, Shao Chenggeng, was a surgical genius. Influenced by his father, he embarked on the path of studying medicine. Currently, he was practicing in the hospital where Shao Changgeng was located in the U.K.

An Luo looked down at the newspaper, seeing that it was indeed a picture of Shao Rong with a microphone giving a speech. The little crying boy in his memories was now a handsome young man.

In a flash, he and An Yang had been brothers for more than 20 years.

The years didn't seem to leave many traces on An Yang. He was still as young as before, with the ever present warm smile on his face. As a golden bachelor, there was a long line of pursuers waiting for him, but An Yang never fell in love again. An Luo knew that his heart had long since been with his beloved Su Zihang, following him in that cold tombstone 20 years ago.

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