Chapter 04

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At the time of death, our body's weight will be reduced by 21 grams. Scientists say that those 21 grams are from the loss of water as our body stops functioning. Others say that it is from the loss of our souls.

The plane exploded in the air, the probability of escape is equivalent to zero... so why was he still awake?

An Luo felt as if he's fallen into a bottomless abyss. There was no darkness, no light, no sound, only his consciousness remained. He seemed to see many familiar faces; his mother, father, Gege... They came one after another ceaselessly, swaying along with the passage of time.

Is this not the legendary world of death?

An Luo struggled in the endless darkness to stay awake, but his eyelids were extremely heavy. In the end, he could only eventually shut his eyes.

He didn't know how long he was out until vaguely, he became aware of a white blur of light. At the same time, his ears caught onto a sharp sound: "Send more people to help in the seventh emergency operating room!"

With this call, there were hurried footsteps along with the mechanical noises of the monitors in the room. He heard a man calmly say, "Xiao Zhang, help with the central venous catheter, I'll do the catheterization. Continue to monitor the blood pressure!"

"Dr. Zhou, it is done."

"Inject a milligram of adrenaline, quickly! Continue CPR!"

"Dr. Zhou, the patient still has no heartbeat."

"Everyone step back and give me a defibrillator, 300 Joules."

"300 Joules once!"

"300 Joules twice!"

"Go up to 360 Joules."

"360 Joules once!"

"360 Joules twice!"

"Dr. Zhou, it's still not working!"

Dropping... and dropping... the heart rate on the monitor never showed anything other than a straight line. The man lying on the operating table wasn't breathing, his heartbeat nonexistent. His face was as white as a piece of paper, body covered with terrible wounds.

He looked very young, but at the moment, he didn't show any signs of life. When he was delivered here, his heart had already stopped, the hope of salvaging it was exceedingly slim.

The nurse whispered, "Dr. Zhou, the rescue time has been over 30 minutes. Is it possible to stop?"

According to the default rules in the medical field, 30 minutes is the max time to save a patient whose heartbeat had stopped. After that, nothing can be done. They have no other choice but to give up and declare clinical death.

But now, the man lying on the operating table is...

The man called Zhou, named Zhou Chengping, was a doctor on duty for the night shift at the emergency department. He didn't expect that the half-dead patient carried in in the middle of the night would be someone he was very familiar with.

Zhou Chengping stood in silence for a moment, then said, "Xiao Zhang, go out and write a notice of critical illness. Tell the family members so they can be psychologically prepared." He paused before turning around to continue, "Nurse, give me a transmission line."

The nurse asked doubtfully, "What are you going to do with it?"

He replied, "I'm going to connect it to the veins of his right atrium, then to an external heart rate monitor and see if it works. This is the last resort, if it doesn't work, declare death."

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