Chapter 21 Rain Before The Storm

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the party was wild as they moved their celebration to the Heath mansion to have the Hestia familia join in the fun since they did take care of Zack while they were out, Bell even had to deal with 5 member's of their familia in a fight since they did come to attack them all, dislocated arm as well which Enyo snapped back in one pull, the Zeus familia knew this wasn't their home so when they did party there, they were careful not to break anything, though easier said than done.

Hestia:" most of our belongings are destroyed and broken"

Enyo:' some of us (hic) are just having (hic) to much fun"

Bell:" and of course you're drunk already"

Enyo:" dan right (hic) this is a (hic) party after (hic) all"

Bell:" it's been a while since I've been in a party like this with our family, but this may be too much for me since I'm out of practice in being in one of these"

Bell's thought's:" and I can bearly walk around here as well, how did I get through again, did I just shove or did I dance my way through... oh yeah, I swung on the roof with my claw's sank into the roof, though there were a number of times I broke the ceiling like that... and this is my home so that's out"

Enyo:" come on Bell (hic), part of being (hic)- being a captain is to (hic)- let loose and have fun with your-(barfing)"

Enyo vomited her gut's out as she then fell and passed out from drinking too much on the sofa in her own vomit as everyone moved away from her to give her space as everyone was doing rock paper scissors on who carries her home, clean's her up, and put's her in bed this time.

Bell:" almost everyone's helped her in this drunk pass out by now, so it's not like it's anything new, thankfully, as a Hestia familia member now, I'm not included in this"

Merry:" nice try Bell, not either win or you carry her out"

Bell:"... fine"

bell pulled paper as Merry pulled Rock and Bell jumped in joy as Merry cursed him out like a sore loser before going to the other's still in the decision of who carries her, clean's her, and puts her in her bed out this time.

Bell:" yes, not doing that again, I had to 5 time's and I can tell you from personal experience it's not easy"

Lily:" is it really that hard"

Bell:" she is drunk and sleepy, it's basically headlocks and grapple hold's all night long, she is also strong so you can't really fight back, that's why we have this to determine who takes care of her, the rule is, the 50 people closest to her when she passes out drunk have to determine who takes her home, it's a rule we follow even now"

Hestia:" wow, the Zeus familia is close and organized even when partying"

Bell:" We are crazy but tame at times, even with our unorthodox and crazy method's, we're still a familia, so drawing the line somewhere is needed, and as crazy as it sound's, Enyo is the most serious one of us all about this"

Hestia familia:" really"

Bell:" she may not seem like it now, but once she sets out for something, there is little to nothing stopping her from achieving her goal, and her seriousness to the matter take's over all else, she even will deny wine once she becomes serious and won't take no for an answer for any reason unless it's a good one"

Zerif:" indeed, even me and Mero can't persuade her after she's committed to something, the only thing that can stop her is if she drops it herself which is highly unlikely unless she's given a good enough reason, but whoever has to carry her out, we'll have them carry her out... later, but she has a point Bell, celebrating with your familia is a good thing, especially if you want them to lose their frustration and anger fast"

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