A Brief Author's Note

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Firstly, thank you for reading The Blade.  Secondly, this note consists primarily (okay, exclusively) of me waffling on and has no bearing on the plot of the book itself—so, if you like to skip the boring bits, please go right ahead and start on the prologue.

The Blade's genre is fantasy, but a good proportion of the story is set in the 'real' world, the one we all inhabit every day.  I wanted to include this crossover so as to have a protagonist for whom the land of Volanda is as strange and  unpredictable as it is for the reader.

There's a lot of fun to be had writing (and I hope, reading) about the clash of ideas, attitudes, cultures and even species, that occur when two worlds collide.  I certainly enjoyed the process, and I'm very glad to have you along for the ride.

So, without further ado—lock up your cutlery, and enjoy.

A/N: Thanks to the awesome and talented @DESTINY5611 for the cover.

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